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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Choate is a good coach, he might not be a good fit here but the guy didn’t just fall off the pumpkin wagon.
  2. No, no a UTerus. Fucking hilarious. And if I’m being honest a fairly legit and fair burn which makes it suck more
  3. He’s a National Champion QB (of division “empty lot next to the HS” )
  4. You’re right for sure. It will take a good 8-10yrs before things balance
  5. Well, you are accurate as far as how things exist now, but as NIL will constitute a legal fiduciary enterprise, the bag game will now become a concern of the the FBI and IRS in criminal courts as well as civil court as businesses will be able to sue
  6. See above posts. The rules surrounding NIL state that you cannot make financial promises To individual athletes before they are enrolled in the University. You can offer examples of current players an outline what they get but you can’t promise X amount of € to anyone ahead of time. aggy bragging about offering $48Mill in “NIL” is not even word play, it’s hot bullshit. That’s their total bag cost. And it’s ridiculous
  7. Damn y’all, thanks for all the tips of the hat. I appreciate the sympathies. Thanks.
  8. My buddy was 35 and had intestine surgery in Oct. There were complications and a stint in the ICU and he was in the hospital past Christmas. He was single and his mom was checking on him today. They had a good conversation while she rubbed his back. She stepped out of the room to call her sister and when she came back 15min later he was gone. Just peacefully. Craig was a character but if I had to tell something about him to describe him I’d say he was born and raised in Boston and was a Southie growing up. He liked to let loose and enjoyed the drink but had the character to stand up for the little guy/gal. Hes that guy who watched over the passed out chick on the couch all night because there were some sketchy people sleeping in the house too. he’s the guy who was nice, polite and loved people but knew all the hustles/cons/grifts and had no problem calling your shit out a mile away. He wasn’t scared of anything and could take a punch. so long partner. I’ll see you when I see you
  9. I only clicked on this thread to find out how to get away from this thread…
  10. She’s fine. …she’s no Angela Lansbury tho
  11. Name? She is relevant to my interests
  12. Those who don’t, never will…
  13. Read title of thread as “aggy Rural Tugalong” mixed emotions of relief and slight disappointment now.
  14. One would think, but I have it on good authority that young guest woke up in jail drunk tank with absolutely no memory of his actions. Definitely has the “this is ridiculous!” attitude right now. also might lose a noticeable tooth. Poor tooth. being stuck in such a stupid head..
  15. lol. Yep, just one more generation of white people dying and being replaced by Hispanics should right the ship. It’s gonna be 1953 again soon enough folks.
  16. Few people can manage to call you fat, ugly, stupid and hit on you mother all in 9 words.
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