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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Wait… im sorry I’ve been busy and just now heard, has everyone finally found out what a dickless, pussybitch #1 is? Better late than never i guess
  2. I took it to mean just that aggy plays the actual phase of football colloquially called “defense”
  3. not really. But American teens are definitely more into homosexuality today than in the past
  4. Shit man, that’s all relative. Angie was hot as shit and down for whatever in the 60s but no, the gif was mostly directed at:
  5. I have actually heard once you can rub a small amount of dawn dish soap on the pole after your last set. Breaks down the oil and bitches slip and crack a rib
  6. Because all the strippers I talk to say they’re students…
  7. I want to believe that. But then I think
  8. Well, mechanically we would need to make sure the pole wax the girls apply beforehand is somehow removed, so our plan is definitely going to have to involve a quick switch of the poles. I don’t see any other way around it.
  9. so, just to follow up on the off topic wedding I was at because I don’t know where else to put this. CSB The wedding was in Alamo Heights and if you’re not aware, their cops are… let’s say “strict”. A younger guest was not aware and as they were walking to their car completely shitfaced one of the AHPD officers working the party (who happened to be Hispanic) said “hey! You, buddy! You can’t drive. You guys! (Pointing to Guys friends and GF walking behind him a little) Don’t let him get get in his car. Take his keys now!!” This embarrassed Young Guest so he turned and in a cheeky tone said “Pfft, aren’t you a little far from the boarder?” Welp, that was that. Young Guest got tackled, face shoved into the ground and cop made sure to put the cuffs on extra tight in front of the entire party. Hard to say, but there was talk that pepper spay may have been used as Young Guest was swearing and trying to roll around/resisting. Regardless, that’s not something you wanna do. So, 4 patrol cars and the paddy wagon showed up and hauled his ass off. I asked the guy I know from bama if the young guy went there too. He said “shit, I don’t know. Probably.” It also took him extra long to bond out being a Sunday and for some reason his bail hearing kept getting pushed back. Weird.
  10. send it in. Thats a money maker
  11. oh, I hear you loud and clear. when we get down to brass tacks, I think we can agree they both are complete shit
  12. Would make more sense if they said ‘Transfer to Old Sip’ both because of the school nickname nomenclature and the 1950s style old, white patriarchy that dominates the entire state like no other in the South. Would work in two ways then.
  13. I sincerely hope surly has the good taste to rep the shit out of this
  14. College football is going to have a blown out annus like all the new lambs in springtime at CS. Just you watch.
  15. You’d think a ‘university’ with a School of Poultry would know…
  16. Sorry, it’s a cash bar. Things are a little tight now with Tim breaking away from the firm and starting his own practice, but he’s already promised me a tin anniversary in Turks and Caicos and, don’t worry, everyone- everyone is going to be there. We can hit up playa del Carmen in a couple and catch up tho. Have you’re girl call my barely legal assistant.
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