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Doc Reeves

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Doc Reeves

  1. Tell him? No, no. He had to put it down himself. Hicks has no sunshine. he’s a must.
  2. Yeah, becoming a pretentious, double dealing, prima donna who treats people he sees as beneath him like shit will do that.
  3. Pfft. Buddy, it was nice they could go out with him
  4. Aggy doesn’t just care about winning. They also care how ‘ethnic’ they look while loosing. Values, bra.
  5. Counter point: who cares what she looks like under the mask. She can keep it on if she likes, I mean, we are strangers. im not wearing a mask tho. Or rubber. Freedom etc…
  6. Yup. It turns out any violence of any kind toward children is bad. Like fucking really, really, really bad. people think that violence “tuffens people up” when in reality you are forever grinding away important and necessary parts of a persons psyche. Turns out beating your kid “tuffens” them up the same way female circumcision ‘tuffens up’ 12 yr old girls in Africa. my heritage is Bavarian/Western Austrian and culturally they were tops when it came to harsh child discipline. Literally, could tell Ireland, Russia and N Korea to hold their beir. However, their ideal for a boy as a child was arrogant, aggressive, confident and dominate. Basically a bully and their discipline molded that. I remember when I was 3 and I would stay over at older family’s house in the morning I would walk in to the kitchen and climb up on old grandpa like man’s lap and start eating his breakfast. If he didn’t want me to, I kicked him in the shins until he let me. They thought that was the cutest thing ever. When we came to the States my dad said that they got me out of Germany just in time.
  7. no, not at all. Hey, people should go and live their life. But if someone is into closeted, self-hating self esteem issues with maybe a sprinkle of penis envy and 2nd tier academic standing, I can’t think of a better place to go.
  8. Thank God. This guy knows how to gram and TikTok y’all. For all you olds out there it’s not so easy. Sure, you’re putting out drills or updates to recruits but you’re putting your whole style and personality on display too, but subtly. This dude doesn’t just speak the language, hes legitimately good at it. We need to be thankful. Seriously, donate an extra bit at collection this Sunday.
  9. The war was hard on Britain. Twiggy hasn’t stood the test of time either. But, they were from a different time. The smoked cigarettes and could take a slap if they were out of control.
  10. yup. In my day when 92000 people are all in the stadium it was sort of a bitch finding out scores on my phone, texting or using the cell internet. Forget live posting a pic on a message board. So, it’s perfectly safe and it only helps with that and maybe also exposure to its rays over many years might brainwash people to vote Democratic.
  11. Why? All you snobs can crinkle your noses buy anyway you slice it $5 is a hell of a bargain. Unless, you know, you got HIV.
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