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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Viper

  1. my favorite thing about Charlie Strong was him calling on kurt bohls every press conference. Whether it was through passive aggressive spite or sheer ignorant stupidity, it matters not.
  2. A little bit more about how the hostage Mia ended up with the dog there's also been a lot of disgusting tweets from hamas supporters (and russian paid influencers) claiming everything from the hostages were grateful to hamas for treating them so well to claiming they were in love with their hamas captors. This person is a former hostage and explains the dynamic. This is all beyond the fact that there are videos of the handovers where hamas can be heard ordering the hostages how to act to the cameras.
  3. I'm thinking about using some of my pluckers coupons from the last game I attended and getting some wings. They're usually not crowded at all for 11am games
  4. TIL horn_of_the_morning is indian. It looks like they're less protecting Pannun, and more don't have anything to arrest him over since he didn't break any laws. He seems like he'd warrant further investigation and observation, but that is where the friendly liberal govts should work together on intelligence, not send assassins. But maybe there's further backstory and incidents that the reuters story didn't cover. https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indias-anti-terror-agency-files-case-against-sikh-separatist-air-india-threat-2023-11-21/
  5. if you donated, you'd know that the $.92 is to cover the credit card processing fees.
  6. Viper

    Texas One Fund

    anyone know how to add on a second donation? I am donating to the football but want to add some money to the general fund too. Do I just go to the website and make a new donation with the same email address? or should I email the support email?
  7. I know the muslims and the hindus hate each other, but why is the state going after sikhs?
  8. while that's true, it does at least tell us who the crazies are, and can pull some of the people on the fence into the middle when they see all the leaders are condemning this and not staying silent.
  9. Damn didn't realize they're trying to conquer most of the Guyana Here is a brief explanation for those who are unfamiliar with the situation The Guayana Esequiba is a region of about 159,500 km2 (61,600 sq mi) west of the Essequibo River that is currently administered and controlled by Guyana, but claimed by Venezuela as part of its territory. The dispute dates back to the colonial era, when Spain and the Netherlands competed for the control of the area. In 1814, the Netherlands ceded its colonies of Essequibo, Demerara, and Berbice to Britain, which later unified them into British Guiana. Venezuela inherited the Spanish claim to the region after its independence in 1811, but Britain expanded its control further west of the Essequibo River in the 19th century. In 1895, Venezuela sought the help of the United States to resolve the border dispute with Britain, invoking the Monroe Doctrine, which declared the American continent as off-limits to European intervention. The US intervened and forced Britain to accept an international arbitration of the entire disputed territory. The arbitration tribunal, convened in Paris in 1898, awarded most of the territory to British Guiana in 1899. However, Venezuela later denounced the award as invalid, alleging that the tribunal was biased and corrupted by British influence. The dispute remained unresolved after Guyana gained its independence from Britain in 1966. Venezuela has since maintained its claim to the Guayana Esequiba, and has occasionally resorted to military and diplomatic pressure to assert its sovereignty over the region. Venezuela also rejected the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to settle the dispute, and instead proposed a bilateral negotiation with Guyana. The Guayana Esequiba is rich in natural resources, such as oil, gas, gold, diamonds, and timber, which have attracted the interest of both countries and foreign companies. In recent years, Guyana has granted exploration and production licenses to several multinational corporations, such as ExxonMobil, to exploit the offshore oil and gas reserves in the disputed waters. Venezuela has protested against these activities, and has accused Guyana of violating its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The tension between the two countries has escalated in the context of the political and economic crisis in Venezuela, which has led to the deterioration of its relations with its neighbors and the international community. Venezuela has been accused of human rights violations, corruption, authoritarianism, and interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Venezuela has also faced several challenges to its legitimacy, such as the Venezuelan presidential crisis, which resulted in the emergence of two rival governments: one led by Nicolás Maduro, who claims to be the constitutional president, and another led by Juan Guaidó, who claims to be the interim president recognized by more than 50 countries, including Brazil. Brazil, as the largest and most influential country in South America, has played an important role in the regional affairs and the resolution of conflicts. Brazil has historically maintained cordial and cooperative relations with both Guyana and Venezuela, and has supported the peaceful and diplomatic settlement of the dispute over the Guayana Esequiba. However, Brazil's position has changed significantly under the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro, who has adopted a more confrontational and ideological stance against Venezuela and its allies. Bolsonaro has aligned himself with the US and other countries that recognize Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela, and has denounced Maduro as a dictator and a threat to the regional stability and democracy. Bolsonaro has also expressed his support for Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and has criticized Venezuela's claims and actions as aggressive and illegitimate. According to some reports, the Brazilian armed forces have been placed into a heightened state of readiness due to a significant movement of military equipment and personnel in eastern Venezuela on the border of Guyana, which has recently been detected by satellite imagery and intelligence sources. Some officials believe that Venezuela may soon invade the small South American country in order to annex the Guayana Esequiba region, which accounts for over 60% of the nation's territory and has been claimed by the Venezuelan government. If this scenario materializes, it could trigger a major regional conflict that would involve not only Guyana and Venezuela, but also Brazil and other neighboring countries, as well as the US and other international actors.
  10. Some more coming out. The children are unsurprisingly traumatized
  11. some stories from the hostages are starting to come out I believe this was the hostage with dual Russian citizenship that Putin asked to be released as a favor for his "support" of the Palestinians.
  12. This storm in the black sea is presenting some unique opportunities for Ukraine https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1728923998803923100.html
  13. Seems like the Houthis used the ship as bait or took the opportunity of our ships responding to shoot some missiles at us. Luckily (for them) they were way off U.S. Central Command has now Confirmed that 2 Ballistic Missiles were launched by the Houthi Terrorist Group in Yemen earlier tonight in the General Direction of the USS Mason (DDG-87) while it was Responding to the Distress Call of the Israeli-Linked Chemical Tanker “Central Park” in the Gulf of Aden, but they further state that it is Unknown whether the Missiles were actually attempting to Target the Ship and that they landed in the Ocean roughly 10 Nautical Miles away not warranting any kind of Interception.
  14. Reports that we recaptured one of the 3 (or 4 now?) hijacked tankers https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/armed-individuals-seize-israeli-managed-oil-tanker-gulf-aden-us-official-2023-11-26/
  15. Sounds like the deal is back on
  16. Damn gonna be $2 for a small scoop of guacamole now
  17. Besides the fact that it's literally not because he has 2 years of eligibility left, what do you base him "knowing it" on? The many deep conversations you've had with him? Your own keen insight into the mind of a 20 year old athlete and tiktok star?
  18. Why would we want a wr that quits on his team and spent the last 2 years learning the behavior of the a&m locker room?
  19. Reminds me of that Man Show bit getting all those people to sign a petition to end women's suffrage
  20. First hostages are on their way
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