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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GSU&UT

  1. There have been a few suicides from kids that were at school on that day. It's so heartbreaking.
  2. Yep, what we need to do is site every single person down in front of a psychiatrist for months on end before they're allowed to purchase a gun. That way all you "guns don't kill people" knuckle-draggers can finally make that argument.
  3. Fuck yes, let's raise those taxes and get universal healthcare with access to mental health professionals. Second, you literally just made the 80s/90s Tipper Gore argument that the media is to blame and literally not the weapons themselves that are designed to kill. Fascinating
  4. Schools are safer than 25 years ago, meanwhile kids experience trauma when they go through events like this and trauma at a young age is going to lead to some severe problems later in life. I'm cool with that though, we'll have a nation of poorly-adjusted more likely to commit suicide adults in a generation just so I can get a 3" erection shooting my assault rifle (LOL you don't know what that even is lib!!!!!) with my redneck buddy who drops hard R n-bombs regularly.
  5. Came to post those videos. They're only further proof that she's not pandering at all, she absolutely gets what our economy has done for the poorest and most vulnerable.
  6. These people exist in much larger numbers than you think, just a-okay with being Nazis now.
  7. LOL, it's time to revamp the 9th grade civics course and remove any mention of "checks and balances" because evidently that literally doesn't exist if people just ignore the rules.
  8. Outside of Atlanta, basically every 100,000+ metro sized city has a county that is solidly Blue. Augusta (Richmond), Savannah (Chatam), Athens (Clarke), Macon (Bibb), Columbus (Muscogee), and there's the Black belt here that is blue just like most of the other southern states. The problem is all those places are so concentrated in a mostly rural state still and are outnumbered by rural whites and white-flight suburban/exurb whites. Georgia is going to flip, it's inevitable unless there is a huge change in the demographic swing we're setting, just like Texas. It's so completely transparent that the GOP is going to intentionally try to inflict as much harm as they can and circumvent if not outright change laws to favor themselves even when they're a minority party here.
  9. I hope like hell Warren can take some of Biden's likability with black people then, just show how much he has supported the War on Drugs and tough on crime laws that have disproportionately affected black men and women.
  10. Did you miss him sending Pence for that whole stupid fiasco at that Colts game?
  11. Georgia is Alabama + Atlanta. You don't have to go too far out of the metro here to see shit like this, fucking awful old white people suck so much.
  12. Georgia telling the rest of the south to hold my beer. There is a huge petition of actors, directors, etc. who have signed on to boycott the state and refuse to work here if this was signed. I don't see the film studios immediately moving out, but this going to have some sort of effect. Go drive off a cliff you evil, racist piece of shit Kemp.
  13. Albies has 3 career grand slams, Freeman somehow has 0.
  14. Alright, this team may not suck anymore lol.
  15. Get some, haha, get some baby! Get some!
  16. It's amazing that posters here seriously don't think there's actual suppression. Just an obvious power grab by a party that is doing a slow death.
  17. Ugh, Florida probably has a very conservative friendly SC too so you know this shit won't get overturned unless it's a federal issue and then I bet our current SC would totally find this poll tax legal. I'm just so sick of this fucking country.
  18. Whoever the nominee is, I really could do without all this bipartisan BS. The GOP party is gone, quit trying to work with them.
  19. Right, I'm not clear on these details. Basically the logical conclusion of someone refusing to show up even after a subpoena is that this just basically goes nowhere. House Dems should still go to whatever length they need to if they have spines.
  20. Seriously, you hold them in contempt of court who is responsible for arresting them and are they going to do it? Lawyer people on another board think it's very unlikely that would ever happen.
  21. Unless Harris absolutely destroys the SC primary, I really don't see her necessarily getting a huge push in Georgia even though we have the largest black population.
  22. It's nice to see the more left leaning posters on this site almost unanimously hate Biden. Probably the one thing we can all agree on.
  23. If you seriously think she's just going to ignore the Rust Belt after 2016 and non-educated poor whites and PoC then I don't know what to tell you, it's clear to a lot of us she understands the problems of many. It all depends on who gets elected to the Senate, these are ambitious proposals that likely aren't going to all easily get passed, instead they are to show us that she understands how much inequality exists right now.
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