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Everything posted by 52-80

  1. This enterprising individual has what some might call “chutzpah”
  2. Share your apple ID credentials here and we can check for you
  3. Some clients still want different versions of the same application, eg for different teams. Vendors will provide them on different images on the client tenant. And there are always companies slower to adopt new versions than others, regardless of where/how the application is hosted. The ease of application management and deployment through cloud is more for end users than for the vendors. Vendors still have to juggle different versions/branches. This one’s free. Next one pls wire treefiddy to my IBAN
  4. When any major news event breaks, my first instinct is to ask, “what does the chief operating officer of Qualcomm think about this?”
  5. so close. if you survive chimaev's early grappling, he gasses and becomes hittable.
  6. Theres crazies in every group. I think Bibi and his wife are a real nasty couple. IDF arent angels (unavoidable after decades of policing a contentious border). Mass killing of non-mil/combatants is just something else though.
  7. Fwiw germany still has anti-hatespeech laws and criminalizes holocaust/genocide denial
  8. Lets act ignorant and brazenly inflammatory towards one of the most accomplished ethnic/religious groups in America. What could go wrong.
  9. Incentives as a motivator of behavior is also a basic principle of economics. The tax system is a means of implementing it. Subsidies and other like-tools you mention are essentially different forms of taxation. That extra business you get from the govt through arbitrary award, that cheaper cost of financing, has net impact on your bottomline and the govt treasury in the same way as a discount on taxes. And its ultimately borne by everyone else, ie a tax. In the tax code theres a deduction for filing as married and child tax credit and those things incentivize family, and is not some controversial scheme by lawmakers to enrich themselves. That there are esoteric tax rules way past their shelf life and/or do not serve societal good I agree — and argued against upthread. Its just that you cant hate the game cuz you hate the playas.
  10. These college and hyperactivist types are merely fucking stupid. I get sympathizing with the long-time underdog in an unbalanced power dynamic. However, staking your flag on the side that had just committed large-scale civilian massacre is hopelessly regarded. Thing is, I dont believe most of them are anti-semitic — that their reaction are rooted in actual hatred of Jews. Its a terrible recent state of affairs where people reflexively throw historically-extreme labels against others….but kinda ironic that they’re now charged with anti-semitism.
  11. Azure , in middle-earth, was considered the greatest Orc and self proclaimed King of Moria. He is claimed to have killed the Dwarven King Thror, but himself was ultimately brought down by Thorin, Dwalin, Fili, and KIli, in the Battle of the Five Armies.
  12. he must work for a Bank.
  13. Im sorry what. How do you alternatively propose encouraging changes in industry (say, domestic semiconductor production), society (more education), population shift (e.g. getting people to move somewhere), or basically anything else that we would want people to do. It's like, the least-bad form of coercion.
  14. Wrong. RE commission are established by cross-agency industry commissions, if not established by law, and are often higher than 3%.
  15. a lot of formal education in the govt apparatus. VA/DC always dominate these sorts of metrics (this graph is only limited to state govt)
  16. Corporate statements should be limited to the company's responsibility for affected employees, not a stance about surrounding circumstances. "We're taking full measures to relocate / assist our employees and their families in [Ukraine/Israel/Norman Oklahoma]". Execs shouldn't refrain from making donations in a personal capacity according to their prerogative. But making public statements with explicit condemnation/support is akin to Thoughts & Prayers. It achieves nothing except start a precedence for demands of proclamation around other peoples never ending personal interests. It's kinda looney that people expect such things. Like...what does Ja Rule think about the occupational hazards of albino pygmys in the guatemalan coffee industry ?????
  17. Is this streetsmarts or booksmart? Cuz these austinite hippies wouldnt last 3 hours in st louis
  18. its never too early to teach your kid statistics and probabilities.
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