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Everything posted by 0xdeadbeef

  1. Throw some chicken breasts in the Crock Pot with this stuff and come back 5 hours later. The nice thing about this one is it has a cooking sauce and a separate finishing sauce for the last little while after you shred the meat. If you don't do that, you end up with something that's to-dry-to-eat. HEB has this when they are open.
  2. Unless the "poor performance" involves a non football scandal, there is no possibility that lsu or Michigan open up next year. Going 9-3 and 10-2 buys you some goodwill.
  3. 0xdeadbeef

    LSU @ aggy

    That was a damn entertaining game and one of the worst officiated games I can recall seeing. if you think the calls were all for Aggy, you're a moron. That was some equal opportunity BS.
  4. They showed some clips of Oliver before the game. Jumping , running , catching, light on his feet bouncing around.... That dude isn't hurt. Good for Major taking a stand.
  5. It's remarkable that they can still do it it their ages. I looked it up Watts is 77, Jagger is 75, Richards is 74, Wood is 71. Photos make it look like the years have not been kind to them. On the other hand McCartney is 76 and he put on a hell of a good show at ACL fest.
  6. IF ISU were to beat us this weekend, they would most likely finish at 7-2 and tied for 2nd in the Big12. Depending if it's OU or WVU they're tied with, ISU could be in the Big 12 championship game. If that were to happen, and there's a lot of football left to play, Campbell would be as hot or hotter than Brohm. There's no way Campbell would replace Brohm at Purdue; he's going to get calls from the tier above Purdue. On the other hand, if Texas Kicks the crap out of ISU, the shine should come off a bit, and I think ISU has a real chance of bumping his salary and keeping him for a year or two. Edit - Someone a few post up just said that ISU just gave Campbell a nice pay raise....So If texas beats ISU and the 'top' spots aren't open for him, I think he stays.
  7. Anybody who calls a QB with an NFL record of 31-19 a bust is just stupid.
  8. 0xdeadbeef


    I may need to get out more, I've never even hear of Jewboy. But the burger on the front page of the website looks very legit. http://www.jewboyburgers.com/welcome.html
  9. The problem is our Defense. It had problems when healthy, and now it's dinged up. No doubt that Tech is better with Bowman but the other guy is still going to throw the ball 50 times. Tech 42 Texas 40
  10. Let's reset a bit. This video should start at 4:40 on the final 2pt conversion. Anyone who thinks extending the ball over the goal line on the final play should have been a penalty is either caught up in the heat of the moment or a moron. I'll assume herman was just caught up in it. The horns down - in an of itself - should not be a penalty any more than a Texas player doing a horns up. What WVU did after that touchdown (4:48 to 4:55) rightly should be a penalty. 4 player went right up to the fans and were yelling at them. The hands signs were irrelevant.
  11. You think not one person is offended by the horns up and cosiders it taunting? I'm pretty sure you could find someone in every stadium to swear on a stack of Bible's they find it insulting and disrespectful if opposing fans interpret that as an elitist "F-you, we're Texas", you'd be ok with banning the horns up sign? You can't have it both ways. if you're offended by horns down someone else is offended by horns up
  12. Some of you are fucking snowflakes. Taunting is standing over a downed player and yelling at them, or running past the other sideline and yelling shit. Making some hand sign as you score a touchdown is not taunting. That was such a bullshit call, as was the call to toss the starting lineman. I was embarrassed to be on the receiving end of that.
  13. Can't Fox Sports break off 10 seconds to show the unsportsmanlike violation.
  14. They have 227 yards on 32 caries...7 yards per carry..... expect a run.
  15. This isn't even close to the same team we saw against OSU. Not sure if it's a home and away thing or what.
  16. KU better be a gimmie. I think the team and coaching has progressed beyond that. As for the other 3 games, take a coin and flip it three times. ISU should have a 5 game winning streak when they roll into Austin, including a bunch of top-25 wins the last couple years. Coach Campbell is going to have those boys running through brick walls. My prediction is 2-2 down the stretch, where we lose to TT in Lubbock and ISU at home. That's still an 8-4 season and a CLEAR improvement from where we've been.
  17. Saw a Beto ad during one of the football games tonight. Just him talking to the screen. not sure if it was the same one referenced in the post above. He comes across as a lightweight... like an overgrown frat boy. Not a good ad. A US senator is a serious position...that ad magnified the 'riding a skateboard' feel of not ready for primetime. Surprised his campaign let that go on the air
  18. As if we have a group of quality wins ourselves. we have exactly one impressive win. USC and TCU aren't exactly the good wins we thought they were. Let's get our house in order before we start running smack.
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