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Everything posted by BBQ2Bayou

  1. I'm not huge on Westerns, but I do like some. I'm guessing most people here would recommend Deadwood the series? Seems like most people that watch TV would recommend it.
  2. Things ratcheted up to straight savage pimp here.
  3. BBQ2Bayou


    Brings back memories. I love that float.
  4. Dylan or Savannah from The Today Show were talking about playing cornhole the other morning. I got slight chub.
  5. Did they do an ultrasound? I'm sure they did, whether you were told about it or not. Those DT's and hallucinations are what happened to me on my last withdrawl and it was caused by liver disease. It might not be too late if he can quit, but it sounds like he's at the point where it has probably already shortened his life. That doesn't mean that he can't have some good years left, but it sounds like there are only 2 ways out at this point. I feel for you, man. You and the people that care about him don't deserve to have it put on their plate.
  6. It's also a sign of serious liver damage because you can't process alcohol like a normal liver anymore. That end stage liver disease that is the point of no return, medically, isn't something that alcoholics care to think about. That, and like you and others have said, there is no real sober time in most alcoholics life.
  7. A girl got hit by a car on one of these at 2 this morning on Rainey St. Can't figure out for the life of me how that could happen.
  8. I don't think you have to. I don't drink, but that's because I like it too much, so I didn't have to look into how much boozing I would need to cut for the diet. Well I would have been over the carb limit 4 minutes into my day if I still drank, so we wouldn't be having this conversation anyway.
  9. Almost exactly my story. 42 and put on about 15-20 with no warning and hard as shit to get off. So difficult I couldn't get anything to work so I tried cutting carbs for the first time in my life. I was never skinny, but never fat and could lose fairly easily if I wanted. Now I have a lot more control of my gains and losses. It puts @SDG about that same age and weight gain and hard as shit to shed. Fucking 40's. How dumb.
  10. This made me realize I hadn't really thought about the scariest part for me. The whole thing in the beginning was such a blur, after a year I'm still piecing together things I haven't thought about or they just pop into my head at random times and I get the "oh yeah, that's what happened" moment. I think the scariest part for me was not admitting that I had a problem, I always knew I did. There was no denial stage for me. It was always the "I know I have a problem, but I don't give a fuck stage". Maybe that's part of the denial stage too, I don't know. The scariest part for me was having zero confidence that I could stop. Why even try if I know I'm going to fail, right? It's that great alcoholic mind that comes up with excuses so easily that we put all others to shame that try to compete with our bullshit.
  11. IF is simply an easier way for people to keep down calories, isn't it? I'm stalled a little on keto and came across an article about breaking it with an egg fast. Anyone done this? I feel like I'm buying I into the fad diet thing every time I look up this stuff, but hey, I'm down 25 pounds in 4 months so it's working. https://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/egg-fast/
  12. Is this real? Don't joke with me. I have to know if you practice this.
  13. steepandcheap.com has a lot of good deals on Costa's. Set up an alert on there.
  14. BBQ2Bayou


    Can I keep it stored in your garage? I'm quiet as a mouse.
  15. There are also studies that directly relate sunlight to weight loss. Not because of being more active, but the actual elements of sunlight on your skin. Some shit like that, that I'm not smart enough to understand. If my world were perfect, there would be 20 hours of sunlight everywhere, everyday.
  16. A pound? I gain and lose 10 pounds every couple days. Also, anyone doing keto, Reddi Wip is not OK. Just a heads up on that one. I thought it might be alright to satiate a sweet craving every now and then, but that didn't work for me. The Hersey is really good though if you're looking.
  17. One other thing, that probably goes hand in hand with stress, that might be causing this also is not enough sleep. I never paid attention to that until I started getting to the age where weight loss became very difficult. It seems to be a direct correlation, with me at least. Solving it is a whole other issue, but just throwing that out there. My buddy, who's morbidly obese (I say that as the doctor's term) finally got on a CPAP because his sleep was so bad and lost 45 pounds in a few months, not changing anything else. When I am getting 7 or 8 hours a night consistently, it seems like maintaining and losing is much easier to attain than when my sleep is fucked.
  18. Am I the only one who is about to go off the deep end with the overuse of this word? All the dumb, innocuous, inconsequential shit that people do and complain about other people doing, that I usually laugh about people complaining about, this annoyance is one I haven't heard bitched about and it's gone too far. I kind of thought it might be a personal problem because I haven't heard it talked about and I figured it would go away like most hot words of the month, but it has not. Every goddamn show I turn on and every conversation I overhear, it's the 4th or 5th word used. About fucking anything. I really am not one to get bent out of shape too easily. Cut me off in the car, bump into me looking at your phone for pokemon, just being an asshole in general, all the other stupid shit people do, I may get a little irritated, but I'm pretty good at brushing it off. This I cannot. I'm at my breaking point on this shit.
  19. They're also two decades apart. Friends had its place. I'll still have it on in the background and have some laughs. Happy Endings I would actually pay attention to if it was on. I don't know how some of you are hyper-critical of sitcoms. They aren't meant to be smart. When it happens, it's great, but it's not common either. It's more common that the smart ones are short-lived. I don't put Happy Endings on the upper end of the smart shows like 30 Rock, Arrested Development, etc. but I like it.
  20. Yeah this. Basically what I was trying to say. That's what I took it as, as well. Leave it to the attorney's who get paid by the word. I keed, I keed
  21. Really liked this show. Definitely worth a watch.
  22. So you were in a way reinforced by professionals that you could drink normally even though you knew you were an alcoholic, or you were still on that proverbial fence that we've all experienced of "I'm sure I can just have a few, let me try that just one more time"? I have considered that digging too deep might not be completely beneficial and could backfire like it did with you, but I'm just in that place right now. I might be different than you were at that time, in that I am certain that I can't drink normally ever again. I know exactly what will happen if I attempt that. It took me, and you, and probably every one of us with this addiction many tries to come to that realization, but I am there, which is good. I also, again probably like most of us, have a tendency to go all in on things, so maybe I need to pump the brakes for a bit and let the happiness come to me, rather than seeking it out. Because I am very happy right now without the booze. Happier than I have been since I can remember. So something is clicking and going right and I do know and appreciate what you and Reagan say about treading carefully on that. I'm also just a year into this, so I need to temper the desire to get back all the wasted years right away. Those are gone. Can't do anything but move ahead and cherish the time that's left and not worry about the time that's gone.
  23. Ya know, it has been a while.....
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