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Everything posted by BBQ2Bayou

  1. Is it good if I hate hip hop? I'm not old man shake fist at sky guy, but I do hate hip hop. Also, thanks to those who recommended The Chef Show. That series was fantastic. I assume the movie is worth a watch if I can find it?
  2. Whoever wrote that article only runs second to Shep Smith doing the play by play of a high speed car chase. Simple brilliance here.
  3. For generations, parents have been trying to keep their own children sheltered from rapscallions like this and then the internet comes around and wipes out all that hard work. We're nothing short of doomed.
  4. Oh I was just joking. When I went to it on my phone it gave me the Privacy Error Page. "your connection is not private". that one. I don't know what causes those.
  5. "He doesn't have a home.....he's a squirrel."
  6. Would those places actually buy one without some proof of purchase? Pawn shops I can see, but bike shops? I don't have anything saying I bought the thing either.
  7. I live across from the post office on Northcross. I've only been at this place a couple months, but I guess there was a big homeless camp behind it that the police would occasionally go back there and tell them to scatter. When the ordinance passed, the post office had to close the lobby outside of business hours because the homeless were sleeping, cooking, crapping, in there. Didn't affect me, but it would kind of suck if you had a PO box and had to time getting your mail during their open hours. Not to mention if you were the employee that had to open the office. My bike has been locked up to the railing outside of my condo since I've been there. A lot of people do it because the places are small so nobody wants the thing inside their place and there aren't garages, plus it's lit pretty well at night. Sumbitches cut the lock last night. It's an older Cannondale MTB that I paid a couple hundred bucks for a few years ago used, so the value isn't a kick in the nuts, but the principle always is when someone fucks with your stuff. I went and walked around back there today on the off chance that someone was dumb enough to take it back there where they lived, but no luck. I'm not saying it was a homeless person from there and I'm not taking a side on this ordinance, on here at least, but I'm also not naive enough to think the timing isn't a little fishy and that all those people are hanging out back there trying to solve all the problems of the world, either. Is there any reason to file a report for this? Not for the chance that it will get recovered, but to maybe let the cops know and they might patrol the area a little closer, or is that a laughable thought? The complex has a specific cop that is supposed to be contacted directly about this stuff, but I don't want some cop knocking on my door to fill out paperwork. I mean, what if he sees some weed and shoots me?
  8. I did that for a day or 2 and told it to fuck off. I usually know roughly how much I'm consuming, it's that I lack the discipline to go hungry. I really wish I could follow the practice that food should only be used as fuel, but life's too short to not eat like a fatty sometimes.
  9. I have to be careful with nuts. Those are hard to put down for me once I start. I need to cut back on cheese, too. Those calorie dense foods are what is holding me back from losing any more, I think. Or maybe the high fat, I'm not really sure. I probably just need to get some portion control, really.
  10. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sceptre-65-Class-4K-Ultra-HD-2160P-LED-TV-U650CV-U/48874705?u1=dealwiki-55661&oid=223073.1&wmlspartner=DqUB2K0kRqI&sourceid=41582043281747024398&affillinktype=10&veh=aff 65 4k scepter 370 free shipping if anyone is looking. Just what I needed for cheap
  11. Good deal, thanks. I was looking at it when they are closed between 1:45 and 5.
  12. I started eating a few more carbs after being keto for 5 months. I didn't overdo it and I really don't know the difference between good carbs and bad carbs, but since reintroducing them just a little, I feel noticeably worse physically. I'm tired a lot more, especially after a meal and I wasn't that way at all when I was strict about my carbs. I had energy and bounce all the time. I'm down about 20 overall and I'm really trying to get down 10-15 more, but damn those last 10 pounds seem impossible without starving myself. Maybe I just need to be content with being 10-15 overweight. It's not much and I've always been a little pudgy, so maybe that's just the weight I'm always going to be stuck at and should concentrate more on maintaining that. That's hard for me though when I'm not happy with how I look in the mirror. Vanity can be a powerful bitch I guess.
  13. That was the first I'd ever heard of that and it was actually not believable to me. I kept having to tell myself that was actually happening as part of the case. On a different note, I must have been under a rock because I hadn't heard of the Kalief Browder story or forgot everything about it, but I just watched that and it's all sorts of holy shit.
  14. I have no idea what Turkish food is, but I'll try it. Their webite has been flagged by anti-terrorist groups, it seems. But Andiamo is what I wanted to ask about. I see it's only open for dinner. Is there a bar where I can eat? Eating alone doesn't bother me, but dinner at an Italian restaurant has the potential to cross my insecurity line. Kinda like when you try to give yourself head, I suppose.
  15. Where does the shaggysurl stand on this for someone in Austin? HEB is my store, but if there are meat markets I should go to for superior product, I'm all for it. Opa's, Meyer's, Southside are usually what I grab.
  16. I forgot about this and didn't watch it. How is it? I liked SOA
  17. It was maybe 10 years ago? and only lasted a month or 2 before the powers that be made them stop for safety reasons. A quick search didn't turn up anything, but it was real life.
  18. Does this mean the UT girls can bikini panhandle again or is that still considered a safety hazard and nuisance?
  19. Gotta say, after reading that I like the fella they're still looking for.
  20. Anybody tried the taco truck outside of Lowes on Shoal Creek?
  21. Gum, patches, lozenges, etc. But those don't look like you are smoking the unthinkable. Tobacco. Now granted, kids are more likely to vape than chew the gum because it still has the "cool" factor that got a lot of kids (myself included) addicted to cigarettes. My high school aged nephews both vape nicotine because they say it calms their nerves. I laugh at that because they aren't in 'nam fighting Chuck, but whatever. It's kinda harmless compared to the shit I did at that age. And it might be completely harmless, who knows.
  22. I grew up in the Midwest and it's a constant kick in the dick. I've been in warm/hot weather climate for 20 years now, but I haven't forgotten the little windows of perfect weather you get every year there just to get knocked down again. Cold as fuck to hot and humid with about 2 months sprinkled in with beautiful weather. I will give people from Minnesota credit though; they don't let -20 or 90+ keep them inside. They make the best of it.
  23. Nah. Chicagoans know the importance of mustard.
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