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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sabalo

  1. If I'm not smart enough to know about character encoding, what makes you think I can handle simple grammar?
  2. Can one of you genius's explain to me why I see shhh emoji's on the phone and at home but only see squares on the computer at my office.
  3. Hopefully the price scares some people away.
  4. Looking at Shepherd's 247 page and I just noticed his vertical is 23.10. He has been billed as a very athletic big man, but that vertical doesn't scream athlete to me.
  5. Seems like a good move for Murray. If he is drafted high enough, play football. If he drops to 3rd or 4th round go play for the A's organization.
  6. USC and FSU at 4 and 5 are interesting.
  7. BC living rent free Gavin's head, especially after the beat down we gave them.
  8. I'll donate tree fiddy if CDC will put a scoreboard in the new trophy display hall.
  9. Okay, how about fuck Noah, he seems like he will be another Chris Warren tiptoeing his way to the next level and Derrian Brown seems like he is coming to ball.
  10. Good luck to Cain at Penn State. He should be a very good college running back and I wish he had signed with the good guys. I hope this doesn't sound like aggy, but I don't think he will be a difference maker that would determine our winning a conference championship or going to the playoffs. I do think we missed on a couple of players this time around who could be those difference makers.
  11. I'm amazed that both his parents went to Penn State and it wasn't widely reported on during his recruitment. This is the first time I've seen it mentioned and I follow this thread much too closely.
  12. If Kliff still wanted to be a college head coach, I can't think of a better place for him than Miami.
  13. Marchiol said coach gave him cash. No consequences for A&M. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2018/08/21/texas-am-faces-ncaa-scrutiny-former-player-eligibility-jimbo-fisher/1052434002/
  14. Petty sure I've never seen that many receivers hit in stride on a hudl before.
  15. Back to Whittington. Dude looks like Robert Smith and put his team on his back like Vince Young in his biggest game so far.
  16. Beer and lingerie. You have to like the way this @Spider2YBanana guy thinks.
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