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Burnt Ends
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sidis last won the day on July 12 2022

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  1. Not even close. While Johnny plays an idiot on TV, he’s nowhere close to a simpleton moron like this guy. 99% it is immortal13.
  2. so it seems perhaps you have come full circle. first, i am glad that you are no longer saying that the data is skewed because of quantum of population differences. that is encouraging. i believe this whole thing started with you professing your erotic commitment to our country's fetish with pew pews. someone made the point that this cultural phenomenon has led to insanely exacerbated violence perpetrated on the united states population at the hands of firearms relative to other civilized countries in the world. you then said hey, there's violence in other places as well, look at the u.k. and their stabbings. then we had a long tangent on statistics and per capita and population and white people and a whole bunch of other complete and utter bullshit. and now, it seems, that you are saying that we can't compare the united states violence due to firearms to other civilized countries because we have a culture that loves firearms and the other countries do not. now, i am no tolerant genius like yourself...but perhaps you could go ahead and make that last connection between those last two dots that bring it full circle. in case you can't, it would seem that you agree that our country's fetish with guns has created a unique, some might say even difficult to compare, environment with overwhelmingly tragic outcomes relative to the rest of western civilization and that it is your argument that it is SO UNIQUE, in fact, that it is not even reasonable to compare our culture with others. good talk.
  3. actually, i'm not. i just needed to kill some time for the last hour waiting on someone and this shit-for-brains helped me out. i then transitioned to contemplating the fact that i have to share roads with someone like this. not encouraging.
  4. you said most american states, now you're combining the two largest states. (you're still wrong by the way, california and texas combined still have about 16 million fewer people than germany.) don't get mad at me. i am just on a quest to understand and empathize with my fellow citizen. now that we have established that, tell me why it "skews" the data to do a per capita basis comparison between a country of 300 million and 84 million? again, please consult the central limit theorem in crafting your response.
  5. okay galaxy brain, i will repeat my question then giving you the benefit of your opportunity to correct yourself in stating that you intended to say that the countries are smaller than most american states, not cities. with the benefit of your correction, which states in the united states are bigger in population than germany (84.7 million) and the united kingdom (68.5 million)? last i checked, california is the largest population state so let me know.
  6. per capital? i'm not sure you do. germany has a population of 84.7 million people. the united kingdom has a population of 68.5 million. when you say those countries are smaller than most major american cities, can you point me to which american cities are larger than 68.5 and 84.7 million people? the idea of per capita statistics is to provide a contextual comparison on a more apples to apples basis vs. absolute differences...to unskew the data if you will. yet, you say that doing it on a per capita basis skews the data. explain that to me. how is it unfair to compare per capita data between germany and the united states? germany is not smaller than most american major cities. so what is it? just that they have a higher % of white people again? perhaps cite the central limit theorem in your response.
  7. do you understand what "per capita" means? what difference does it make that the comparison countries are "predominately white?"
  8. in response to the comparison of per capital murders between the united states and the united kingdom, this was your response: like i said, you are literally too stupid to insult.
  9. oecd countries are predominately male and conservative? france, germany, u.k., australia, canada, new zealand, belgium, sweden, spain, ireland...well known bastions of conservatism and apparently no women. i've never seen someone grasp so idiotically at the most bizarrely incorrect shit.
  10. you guys obviously missed where the "biracial" guy said that you can't compare them on a per capita basis because the u.k. is all white people.
  11. you said unemployment was high today and that's why you would not vote for kamala harris. it is currently 2024. unemployment is at record lows as demonstrated by the chart i provided for you since i know you don't seek out factual information on your own. that's why i was interested in your take on the present economy and that unemployment was so high that you needed to send someone walking down a highway or something.
  12. also, @ElChupacabra, please stop ignoring this post and tell me how all of these mainstream outlets of information knew kamala harris was half black back in 2020 when no one gave it a passing thought, much less knew four years before she held a rally. was it sorcery? were there adopted biracial witches involved. how could anyone have possibly known that?
  13. @ElChupacabra please follow up on this. i need the information if you're willing to share.
  14. now you're going to need to cite your sources. please find a quote in which i said any of those things. the kkk was not started by a political party...but in terms of the kkk and southern democrats prior to the kennedy and nixon presidencies, i would strongly suggest you familiarize yourself with something called "the southern strategy" and ask yourself this, who would they support today? perhaps you could inform the answer to that question by asking yourself about the makeup of january 6th protestors and the fact that the proud boys, nsc-131, oath keepers - all very open racist organizations - were so intricately involved with the planning and execution of the january 6th riots. if you have a problem with the kkk social club for some reason, have you asked yourself why you would vote for the same candidate that white supremacist groups like the kkk are supporting? do you believe modern day kkk members, oath keepers, proud boys, etc... are voting for kamala harris and tim walz or for donald trump and j.d. vance? your bit is deteriorating quickly. you need to go back to your gambit from two pages ago.
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