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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HenryJames

  1. I'd watch a buddy cop show called Blacklab and the Aggy.
  2. This has nothing to do with the feelings of Jewish students.
  3. The only way to be sure is to see pics.
  4. Can’t find the original though which is making me skeptical.
  5. Cal Poly Humboldt students going Thermopylae on the cops.
  6. You never see a thread. There’s always a thread.
  7. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/02/texas-gop-antisemitism-resolution/
  8. He looks like if Christopher Hitchens drowned and his body wasn’t discovered for a week.
  9. How do you know these students aren't illegals?
  10. He also really wants to jack off someone.
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