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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. most of my money went in with them at $23 and $26 two months ago. Everything sub $30. niiiiice
  2. why does he gotta be so divisive tho?
  3. I cannot conceive of a student body that is 50% below 2.5GPA/820SAT. Google tells me 17 ACT is the 29th percentile. 50% of the students fall below that, evidently.
  4. It was incredible. The whole situation we are in is because of distrust of police. Then they go and do the most obvious of lies when everything is obviously being filmed by people that are professional at filming things. I don't think you could get a starker reminder that we are willing to lie under each and every and all situation.
  5. Is this the single easiest idontbelieveyou.gif in history?
  6. If i recall, it was a major plot point of one of the later lethal weapon's.
  7. This makes me sad. A dude was murdered by the police and the world actually stood up and took notice. Not even the usual retards were defending it. Maybe something would have actually happened from it. If nothing else, it seemed like a lot of people suddenly had their eyes opened. Now we have the biggest distraction ever to refocus on racial us v. them.
  8. Self back pattage, but I said this might happen in January. You've got a group of people that actually practice their religion instead of the religiontheater that is popular throughout the rest of the country and a senator that is leading them in following his conscience.
  9. I fear there could be a small "deplorables" effect with that comment. He looks like a great number of our fat fucking retard voting populous, and they HATE skinny people. That comment is going to sting them.
  10. A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of delicious potatoes au gratin
  11. These quotes are more interesting to me. It's your number 1 target and no one in Arizona has seen you do anything yet you lazy fuck?
  12. Is it just going to be the same 2 people in November?
  13. You can't win the presidency by being invisible. Acting like doing nothing is a strategy is some resting on your laurels bullshit and keeping it up is going to drop his lead by a point every month. Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake and silence hides the gaffs are two post hoc justifications for laziness. No one is saying he even has to comment on what Trump is doing. Just be on any screen you can be saying something hopeful or some great new idea you have for the country. None of it even has to be live. That's the great thing about COVID, you aren't forced to appear anywhere and give speeches -- that gives you as many rehearsals as you want. The Good Morning America thing today was good. Do that every other day. Any channel you want will put you up on a screen. Put up a 2 minute bit online on other days. Sit there and do nothing and we will get Trump again. Do the bare minimum and he's president. Up until now he hasn't even done the bare minimum.
  14. He has to be present. He needs a two minute video every day with his face in it talking about today's issues. All I see are the ones that are compiling footage of other stuff that makes you wonder if he is involved at all. Get 5 speech writers: you have 1 speech to put together every 5 days. Give it to him to practice for 30 minutes. Have someone set up some background and lighting that looks professional and presidential. Post it on all your social media. Scrolling through his twitter right now, I see one such video since the beginning of the month and it is his laugh fest with Key.
  15. I've been very confident Biden was going to win for about 2 years. One thing I didn't anticipate was just how lazy and garbage of a campaign he'd be running.
  16. Jeez. He freaking looks like a Kennedy doesn't he.
  17. Food for thought: Biden set up this whole thing so we’d have something to talk about with him to distract us from the fact that he’s the worst campaigner ever.
  18. also, Ji Seong-ho is a bad ass and worthy of a wikipedia read if you have the time.
  19. he ded imo https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2020/05/01/Mystery-of-North-Koreas-Kim-Jong-Un-deepens-with-new-rumors-of-death/8751588325931/
  20. there's only like 9 votes in the whole state. you of all people shouldn't sit out.
  21. Hm. Yeah, that looks like garbage. How can they have any confidence in the margin of error on some method so untested?
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