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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Little Newt had a rough adolescence and wasn't the same after Gus died.
  2. Aside from my wife, everyone I know that has moved here from California is conservative af.
  3. Least you don't have do- do Tijuana river water- beaches closed from Tijuana to Coranado. Surf looked nice at Imperial beach but fuck that; was too much close out for me at OB and we got done visiting friends too late in Encinitas for me to paddle out. San Diego has amazing weather; beaches are weird...
  4. Prolly saving thousands on child support.
  5. My red ass Aggie Physics teacher put spearmint oil in a condom and inflated it to "prove" that condoms were not impervious. I also had sex with one of my classmates that summer with a condom and she didn't get pregnant. She did later graduate UT and got fat. CSB
  6. Bump Thanks in advance on recs. Surf looks small but doable.
  7. Wildfires, like rapes, are completely unavoidable. Might as well sit back and enjoy it.
  8. Except a lot of Mexicans look down on Central Americans. A lot of Northern Mexicans are racist towards Southern Mexicans. Also a lot of Hispanics in Texas like Ranch culture and shooting guns on the weekend. One of my painters fits this perfectly, and he's a legitimate moron. I had to tell him to stop wearing Trump shit as some clients don't care for it. Just a happy idiot.
  9. Dressed like a Magatard in bugtussle in Bidens grill Yep
  10. Not the fucking Eagles man!!!
  11. Assuming said genitals were ritualistically shorn and breathtaking.
  12. Looks like she could repair a 67 Camaro and out ski your ass maybe.
  13. Yes they are; thier vote holds the same value as yours. Ergo everything is fucked.
  14. These days it's more like Ay Guey.
  15. Whipped out a dick that was bigger than mine!
  16. Did the roofer come back, have a bunch of shit deleted, then dip?
  17. Fished the Guad yesterday. Great fishing, crowds have abated - finally. Hopefully they are catching white bass instead of harvesting stocked fish. Only saw one guide, most of the rest were serious fly anglers Fish were back in faster water, which I vastly prefer. No hatch and they were super picky and hard to get eat. Preferred smaller nymphs. I'm running a 18 pheasant tail with a 20 dropper I'm varying, they almost always took the PT. Also ate midges, wd40s, and scud bugs. They were stacked in 3'-18" of water in one section and hard to get to eat nymphs but I got two on a big streamer and then two again on a black wholly bugger including the biggest fish in the pool that ran down a 12" fish to steal my fly on the way back through to the truck. Biggest was maybe 20, I'll take it. Great practice for more serious waters. I'm still losing fish and learning a lot each trip. Still doing stupid shit.
  18. Depends on the depth of water fishing and what they are doing. I've smoked them on floating lines. At other times I've wished for at least a sink tip or had to stack split shot with a long leader and be patient. *That was back in the day more in East Texas. Oddly, sometimes they like the shot tight to fly, so it works like a jig, othertimes they want it more like a natural minnow. With white bass, my experience is they want it in their face. The conventional fellas do fine with jigs that do not swim like minnows. It's more timing and location and getting flies to the depth the fish are at.
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