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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. Capital discipline is currently the name of the game for public companies. This started in 2014-2016 when they began to be valued based on cashflow vs. historic valuation metrics around proven reserves. They are also dealing without the correct labor and capital equipment. While Biden and his energy secretary are both passionate about solving climate change by restricting the development of fossil fuels, their language and general disposition are irrelevant to current pricing.
  2. I don't think this takes into account how utterly shitty the R nominees are in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona. Senate will stay Blue and pick up seats.
  3. Yes. That's what the graph is showing....although it is specific to Dobbs. I'd be wary that legislative wins are going to carry the day.
  4. What is the socioeconomic status of the parties involved? Race?
  5. Do we know any background information about the girl that could shed light on this situation?
  6. No idea. physical, shit talk, exclusion, being known as a kid that would run to the police, etc.
  7. Based on the facts, absolutely. But retaliation is 100% going to happen.
  8. You confused Nat gas with gasoline. Lol.
  9. So is she going to ban exports of everything besides crude and lng? Does she have the authority?
  10. Tough beat Mexican Americans. Y'all got her self-selected in the racial draft otherwise she's be a very tan white lady from Plano. She just had to run her mouth although I suspect she was attempting to claim victim/minority status in order to shield from backlash. Ah well.
  11. Is this year preseason discussion better or worse than the year some of the players and their enablers tried to cancel the Eyes of Texas?
  12. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president-biden-job-approval-7320.html Biden up about 5 points since the July lows. (ice cream pic here)
  13. Obamas former economic policy advisor disagrees
  14. This one? I can't believe you made me curious enough to go to Shapiro's twitter feed. And I don't know exactly what is going on in that video but if it is accurate, Fetterman needs to just shitpost his way to November and not go out in public
  15. I was implying there aren't a lot of people with brain cells out there. But apparently there are according to the data.
  16. Federal student loan payments have been paused since 3/13/2020.
  17. Wasn't 2020 way off in certain states?
  18. I think this is horrendous policy....but it is not inflationary. None of the people getting their debt forgiven have been making student loan payments for a couple of years so that consumption and spending is already in the economy. Hopefully JoJo and his merry band of ice cream connoisseurs are saving the marijuana legalization for October.
  19. I appreciate that you posted this twice but I'm still having trouble following. How is the government buying it's own debt the same as what private equity has been doing?
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