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Everything posted by babysdaddy

  1. Herd immunity might be achieved earlier than previously thought. Also, fda approved antigen test that utilizes existing equipment in docs offices that will should be able to massively increase testing
  2. Focused on Russia stuff is one way to put it. I don't think anyone assumes you are a Russian. What people assume is you are here to astroturf this board. Which is fine, as long as people read your posts with that critical eye and understanding.
  3. So fucking russians were using our own system of justice against us? I assume their discovery questions were tied to how we figured out what they did?
  4. What? When did that happen and why?
  5. Also looked a the case breakdown and death breakdown by age. 24.4% (3,004) of the cases are from people 60 and up. That group represents 80% (354) of the deaths. Bump it to 50 and up and you have 43% of the cases and 90% of the deaths. 50% of the deaths are 75+ and only represent 7.4% of the cases. If you are over 75 and you catch this according to the Texas data you've got a 24% chance of dying. fuck Also, AA represent 15.3% of the cases and 13.5% of the deaths. Hispanics are 38% of the cases and 22% of the deaths. White people are 28% of the cases and 37% of the deaths. They do have 14% of cases unknown by ethnicity and 25.7% of deaths unknown by ethnicity so those numbers could move around. They do not have a category for the fats.
  6. thx. So through May 1st it looks like we've got from about a 10% infection rate on 4/1 to 5% today. Cases are increasing but rates decreasing.
  7. I went and looked at the COVID-19 dashboard and looked at their source data to figure out growth rates of cases and fatalities. First, Texas has tested 455,162 (they do not provide, or I couldn't find, daily testing numbers over time so I can't tell how much it has increased.) and 35390 cases for a cumulative positive case to testing percentage of 7.78%. For reference, NY and NJ were hitting 50% I think at their peak. I'm certain that number was higher for us but has declined as testing has increased. Can't prove it though due to lack of information provided. Second, the case growth has slowed. Using a 7 day average starting on April 1st, our 7 day average increase in daily cases has gone from 22.67% on 4/1 to 3.5% as of yesterday. Third, the fatality growth has slowed. Using a 7 day average starting on April 1st, our 7 day average increase in deaths has gone from 28.89% on 4/1 to 3.77% yesterday.
  8. That Becky is just a grandstanding Karen. Stupid bish
  9. I don't think it does. If asset prices are a function of interest rates and interest rates are in the basement (and, imo, not going to materially rise....again. ever.), then P/E rations should be at historical levels and maybe should be higher. We get a weakening of Covid or treatment or vaccine then we've got elevate PE multiples, economic activity returning, and a fucking $3-5T tailwind of stimulus spending.
  10. El Paso has 1000 of the current 1888 hospitalizations for the state? Wtf I saw that of the deaths in Texas over 400 of the 800ish were from long term care facilities.
  11. Misread. Looking again. Hospitalizations numbers are right
  12. Judge Jenkins posted some summary data. 4600 tests yesterday and 253 cases. 5% positive rate. That’s about double the amount of tests Dallas was doing a week or two ago Covid hospitalizations peaked 3/28 at 185. As of 5/2 at 70. Last week 158. Week before that 159. So declining
  13. he had indicated testing was going to increase and I think there were going to start testing more at risk populations. But I can't find any data on number of tests, positive testing percentage, etc.
  14. From a valuation perspective, I don' think it makes a lot of sense to look at quarterly numbers (if you assume we will have an effective treatment by fall or vaccine in 2021). Q1 is going to suck but not nearly as bad as Q2. Q1 really only had about 20-25% of the quarter with reduced economic activity. Check out TSA passenger screening data as a proxy or bookings on Open Table. April was a disaster, May will start to open back up, and June you'll be back to say, 80-85% activity. What does that mean for equity prices? No idea over the short term. But companies trade on a multiple of annual forward earnings. 16x, 17x, etc. And that forward multiple is a function of growth and interest rates (plus what could you invest in other than equities). Meaning, over the next 80 quarters (would be a 20x forward multiple) people are focused on 1.25-2.5% of their earnings (1 to 2 quarters). So you guys thinking (hoping?) for a retest or pullback may be left being frustrated that the market is not crashing because you think it should when in reality the market is actually behaving rationally. And there is my jinx post
  15. He's 'been' here since 2018. Registered in August of 2018, made one post, then showed up in early April on the politics board and hasn't left. Shenanigans.
  16. Sorry, was typing shorthand. Bacterial vaccine will be less effective as bacteria mutate and become more exposed to overuse of antibiotics. Increased antibiotic resistance will be a result of Covid.
  17. Vaccine works against the viral. Bacterial not. Saw something earlier that over 50% of the deaths of covid are from secondary bacterial pneumonia that explodes upon a weakened immune system. Bacterial pneumonia deaths were huge factor for death totals with Spanish flu combined with antibiotics not being created until 1928
  18. Why does it have covid deaths at 37k when I see 67k listed on the google machine?
  19. Yep. Plus now I know they are going to take out seats so I won’t have to sit close to anyone. Just charge a bit more. It will be great.
  20. Karen really nuked this thread yesterday. Must have had a talk with a manager (white male) that told her she wouldn’t be getting a second rack of baby back ribs for free. Sorry for your rough day Karen
  21. I watched my wife get a covid test a few days ago and it was not that. Her eyes watered a bit but nothing like that
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