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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Drew

  1. I mean he literally made a couple highlight reel catches for Cooper. Not much for Dak so far. Much Like OBJ you want him for the few plays he makes I guess.
  2. Nice long slow methodical drive. Nice play by lamb.
  3. Man they using Dak to pick up short yardage with Zeke gone. Good results. Fun play design.
  4. Glad they went do to. And did a quick snap sneak.
  5. There you go Dak! Tough run. The type of QB keeper we need to see more. Always takes advantage of the fee play. End of the first quarter? Already?
  6. Dak be starting games slow for sure. Not accurate at all right now. He does get bette though as game goes on. But was hoping for a quicker start. And of course the first real penalty of the game is a hold on Dallas. But of course it is. Good run pollard. Fuck your penalty. Cmon Dak another off target one.
  7. It’s literally one type of run. An outside run(toss/sweep/off tackle or misdirection run going outside. Finally got a stop. And Dallas didn’t do something stupid by killing offsides. Decent return too.
  8. Don’t throw. Just run Packers. It’s your own fault if you get stopped. I breath a sigh of relief when you pass now.
  9. The 2’s down throw wasn’t good coverage. It was holding. 3rd down can’t connect again. This is, once again, going to be an ugly low scoring game.
  10. Cmon Vic you are way to over the top sometimes. They’re not soft. They just can’t stop the run. The two aren’t mutually exclusive
  11. Why? Why pass the ball? Y’all literally can’t be stopped running it. Teams are stupid. I’d never throw against Dallas until it’s 3rd and long.
  12. Like I said time and time again I don’t know why teams don’t just run every single play until they can’t. This defense just can’t stop the outside run or misdirection run.
  13. Ugh 3 strait outside tosses and then a penalty. This game is going to be ugly.
  14. Good return for Turpin. Followed by a questionable first down run and pollard and Dak not connecting on 2nd down. And missed connection on 3rd down too Not a good start offense. Ugh, exactly what we didn’t want.
  15. This. And for Dallas to win the east they’ll need to beat Minny and thus get the head to head.
  16. I guess? In a Vacuum? But no, this loss would help no more than a win right now. Jesus, and you called my take stupid?
  17. I’d like to know what’s so stupid? A loss doesn’t help Dallas at all. They are still the 2 seed regardless. The only thing that helps Dallas is next fucking week and the head to to head. Would you rather play a good team coming off a loss they thought they should have won? Or a team coming off a win they shouldn’t have and might be “feeling themselves” a bit? I can Understand you not agreeing, but saying it’s that stupid? Ridiculous.
  18. To be honest it does. Vikings Coming off a heartbreaking loss would be more fired up. Now Dallas can just go in there as “underdogs” and play better. Even a loss doesn’t help Dallas. They’re still the 2 seed thanks to the division lead.
  19. Jesus Christ bills. I’m not impressed by the vikes at all. Borrowed time with all those drama shit late.
  20. Nothing To show he went over.
  21. Holy shit the double stop and after a dumb penalty.
  22. Just win. I don’t give a shit if it’s and ugly 17-13 game deep in the 4th. Just win. Get over this mental hump and get ready for the gauntlet of Vikings/Giants/Titans with short rest between some of them.
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