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Everything posted by seven

  1. Erich is the worst acting i've seen on this show. Like so bad it's hard to believe he actually made it in the final product. The rest of the first 3 are pretty good though. I'm glad they gave some time to establish the season before the big event happened.
  2. He was trolling, enjoy your lib tears
  3. I was moderately surprised when he beat Hillary. I thought the race would be fairly close but in the end that there are too many "good" people to allow him to win. I was wrong. Since his win, I have never really been surprised by anything he's done (I mean sure, there are plenty of times that I had a failure of imagination about how cruel he could be, but nothing shocked me). I have been very surprised in the massive membership of the trump cult though. It's very easy to believe a bad person gets elected to office. It's very hard to believe that so many people enjoy having a bad person in office.
  4. I mostly agree, but I'd throw in kav too. After his confirmation hearing outbursts, I don't know that I can ever see him as anything more than a trump stooge. Maybe that's unfair on my part.
  5. No, I have not seen millions of people unleashing chaos on the nation. I have seen some pockets of disturbing actions, some of them you have listed. I hate trump, but saying every single person that voted for him (+30 million more) are evil and brainwashed is not something I agree with. As for Rittenhouse, no I don't think he should be made an example of, but I also do not equate the two. One is a murderer of two people whose life is essentially over. Regardless of future rehabilitation there aren't many prospects for him. The other threatened a person they will never be able to harm, and should not have his entire life ruined over it. I would say the exact same about a kid that threatened trump. Both need removed from society to get professional mental help, and I bet neither really get what they need because most people in this country are only interested in punishments. That's all I'll say as it's not really on topic, I am definitely more liberal about this stuff than most people.
  6. Just my opinion, but I don't think minors are where we should be making examples out of people.
  7. A minor talking about killing the president is extrapolated to 100 million brainwashed people. I'm not sure how to even respond to this.
  8. I know we love locking people up in this country, but this kid needs help, not jail.
  9. Watched the space one last night while smoking a bowl. Can recommend.
  10. Listening to fox simulcast on Sirius and apparently Tahoe is the guest talking about "walking around money"
  11. Looks like trump is taking the "tap tap, seat back" strategy for reelection. We'll have to see how scotus rules on that.
  12. Re AZ: Look at the vote totals per county vs 2016. It's up quite a bit everywhere, I don't see hundreds of thousands of votes still being out there as credible.
  13. Trump/GOP have pretty much given away Arizona. Trump has had feuds with a decently popular senator and an extremely popular senator. The gop appointed the loser of a senate race to the vacant seat (like, wtf, did they not realize the message that sends to voters?). Being cozy with racist Joe is just icing on the cake.
  14. This is a late reply, but starting in March or so I've really gotten into TheGameMechanic. Just prefer him to the other civ6 streamers. I have learned so much from watching though, I was really ignorant about a lot of civ's mechanics.
  15. I honestly don't remember if Hillary ever gave one
  16. Great podcast, it's a shame new episodes are so rare (common sense, to be clear)
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