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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. You can't read it because it's unreadable word salad. There's a formula for that: 60% of the time x 100% of the time = it works. Literally the first thing I looked for. Well, she did say she would rather be hot than smart. She's an old man 8, and an intellectual 3- at least she's playing to her strengths. And with the right audience. Republicans are typically a pretty unattractive group. All apologies to our friends along the Brazos River Valley. Agree with all of this, but add that she passed the bar exam in NY, which I understand to be one of the toughest in the country. So she's either lacking a moral compass or figures "fuck it, without Trump's money I'm just another low dollar transaction lawyer who will replaced by AI and online law advice."
  2. Bad news, everyone. According to my source, this election won't even be close.
  3. I have to say I didn't believe she could seize something out of NY state but maybe so.
  4. I will remember the next time my nose is getting sunburnt to put a dollar bill under the nosepiece of my glasses.
  5. Maybe we'll go back to the Bronzetti match. She looks sweaty. Sweaty Bronzetti.
  6. The promoters want to put butts in seats, that's the draw. "Hey, let's go see one of the Williams sisters before they both retire." The promising Americans can fight it out in the challengers. These are observations, not my personal opinions. If it were up to me there would be LTA (Lingerie Tennis Association, not Lawn Tennis Association) and I would pick the 64 draw myself.
  7. Paula looks damn yummy. Halep must have had work done because she doesn't look as beastly as usual.
  8. Burel v. Wozniacki, both wearing the same outfit.
  9. Interestingly, this tweet came just after Trump lost the 2020 election:
  10. Bullneck, Jr. says there is a meme going around these days . . .
  11. Spotted in the wild while driving in Philly a couple of days ago. Those were the salad days . . .
  12. Whatever we do, let's not lose to: (Insert School Name Here) Energy
  13. If only Gazprom would do a joint venture in Nigeria . . .
  14. This last minute has gone on for 20 minutes.
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