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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Kim is my rep. I like the guy and will vote for him.
  2. My guess is his is a version Petty's estate said the Trumps were banned from using at events. But anyone can cover a song so she's doing that skirt that rule. I listened to her sing. She sounds like she singing it for the first time, ever.
  3. Bullneck


    And look at how you turned out.
  4. Wow, so looks like Menendez has something in common with Tuberville:
  5. Watched this as it happened. When I saw the reverse play unfold I thought "fuck, he's going to walk in." Clark and King came out of nowhere and stoned him.
  6. Deleting my "Captcha Speaker" tweet. Looks like we already have one.
  7. "You broke my heart." Seriously, WTF. "No, nay, never." from Zinke
  8. "Somebody pull the fire alarm!" Jesus, these people. Like fucking junior high school.
  9. Maliotakis - "no way!" Mace - hell, i already forgot. The best part is they have the Bad Lipreading roll call lady. Twitter gonna be lit!
  10. The Kevin James Meme Is Way Out of Control This week, a sheepish headshot of the 'King of Queens' actor resurfaced—and the Internet can't get enough. (Still.) By Bria McNealPUBLISHED: SEP 28, 2023
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