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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. If they can make their own protein bars, why cant they make their own water? We are talking super ancient alien technology shit here
  2. damnit that makes sense. But then I have to figure out WTF to do with 130K to make more money. Reinvest ?Bitcoin? Pay off house and cars? Strippers and Coke? Right side up on houses and cars , but the balance on 3 cars and house is 102k. APR on House is 2.6%, Cars is 2.95%. Maybe liquidating and getting completely out of debt and saving me 4k a month I mean I got completely lucky and fortunate to decided to throw a big chunk of our life's savings into stocks when they went into the shitter, now I have a nice return and don't know what the fuck to do with it that makes me more money. Might be financial advisor time....
  3. I am not Surly 1% but doing well. 24% thanks to marriage. To me liquidating and getting a 35k+ tax hit is such a ball kicker My gut says to hold it and chill
  4. Sooooooo lets say someone invested in stocks that fell way down from their 3to5 year average around when covid hit. Now that investment is 4x+. What would the Surly money lords do? hold? sell and let capital gains fuck them? Don't "need" the money currently , but damn don;t know what to do
  5. I just wanted to give you a shout out for this post beyond the usual rep. I know the usual Surly response , but its cool when someone just give some clear perspective and guidance without all the assholeery
  6. Yea, the entire area turned black because aspirin is a blood thinner. First load afterwards was fine, just not as much as normal. As a matter fact, its always not as much as before the procedure. I regret getting it , but its done with now . It is what it is
  7. Don't take aspirin! That's the mistake I did.
  8. I actually like Nickelback... The interweb hate is a beating though
  9. are you saying time travelers and dimensional travelers don't like the ass?
  10. wouldn't bother me...probably be like "Hell yea!"
  11. Bench - maybe 150/ 200 Squat - the weight of one healthy turd Curl - maybe 50 40 yard - guess 10 seconds possibly 20 seconds 2 mile run - +6 hours cock - big enough to fuck
  12. Some times I resemble that remark. But dont be a prick
  13. man , that was the exact statement I was going to reply with. People want to paint with broad wide brushes and broad strokes on both sides these days.
  14. Tried to talk into wearing the Texas chaps or the Texas cheerleader outfit. No go Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  15. Kid didn't have a job[emoji1] Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  16. Thats the guy!!! I always read the post about him and laughed
  17. The Millennium Falcon. 7,500 pieces. 23.5 hours. Worked on it only Friday nights. It's awesome All that's left is the lights and stand. Can't start that until 3 weeks. Should be done end of the month and I'll send last pics of this bad ass lego set... wife had more fun than i did building it. Next up, Star Destroyer Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  18. I just stared at her tits the entire 4 times I watched
  19. I wish there was a follow up to this. I bet after Dickson's performance they changed their tune and thought "good move " by Seattle
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