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The Earl of Texas

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Earl of Texas

  1. I heard Ewers had put on 20 pounds. That’s a lot of NIL in bills, and a lesser amount if coins.
  2. The 9.95ers do not ‘cover sports’. They’re not journalists. They are in the business of selling subscriptions, and ‘we have turbulent QB news’ sells more subscriptions than ‘no need for insider news because all is going as expected.’ Stop sweating over them lying or doing other stupid shit to sell subscriptions.
  3. So if I’m reading the room right, and I think I am, things could not be going better. Ill order the champagne for the Bama game.
  4. A white guy named Dusty from Oklahoma who has sworn off the N-word has a very Las Vegas shotgun-wedding vibe to it.
  5. I’m no recruiting expert, but I know enough to say this is not how that works.
  6. Today is the day Yordan Corleone settles all family business.
  7. Fuck. Best of luck, dude, that’s brutal. He’s a baller, I thought that was a really good pick for what we needed and what we want to do on O.
  8. If that was a ‘sellout’ crowd I’ll eat my fucking hat.
  9. Did it with Urquidy->Martinez->Maton for nearly 8 which is far from our optimal rollout. Doubleheader wore us down a bit. Wait until they see our final form… Props to Urquidy, pitched his ass off.
  10. Someone hurry to Costco so we can secure that Kirkland Signature.
  11. I think we should have them deal drugs. Holding, but getting away with it, is key.
  12. Jumbo’s history of living by the rules and establishing a culture around him that enforces an upstanding lifestyle will have their recruiting efforts hindered by this clear occurrence of meddling by the secret Longhorn-Saban cabal. Saban’s wife is a known Austin real estate mogul.
  13. Coach Fisher told me Haynes King is a lil bitch who sux
  14. Surprised to see us that high, and since our running game was dogshit (maybe 32nd in league?! Can’t remember) it’s obviously due to effective passing game. Not sold on Mills yet but his high efficiency and low turnover rate (first quarter very bad but last 3/4 of season was a great TO ratio) clearly have a great effect on the most important part of the field. TE group should continue to improve which can only help this stat.
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