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The Earl of Texas

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Earl of Texas

  1. You guys are a bunch of fiddling’ Bens!
  2. IF and I mean capital IF the Texans are tanking properly, Deshaun sitting this year both stoked trade interest and ensured we’d suck enough to draft high, so it was by design. I expect a Deshaun trade before the draft as a part of the tank should be using his trade return in this draft and allowing the tank to only lapse one year before an actual rebuild gets underway. But if they can’t trade, and if they feel like a one year tank is enough, you show him what you brought to the table to entice him to come back, then play hardball and say this year no salary and more decay of your prime years - that’s enough for anyone I’d think. This is assuming Caserio is competent enough to tank this right, big IF. But if he is, the trade gets done.
  3. Casey did all he could for us, props to him. No point to stay though - Ewers should be and will be starter right away and we should and will stick with him. Go do your thing Casey, the real ones won’t forget what you gave to this program. X’s Mom is right.
  4. Charlie Strong, I call upon you one final time to do my bidding. Interim coach ALWAYS wins their first game. Let’s gooooooo!
  5. Yes, signing the #1 class is a big deal and it is something you should celebrate. Bag on the goobers all you like but keep it within the stupid shit they do. Don't reach and end up going full aggy yourself.
  6. Can we get Taki's on board for an NIL deal? We need deliveries to a bunch of hat-selection events, pronto.
  7. At lease the gif he is serial-posting isn't some short, repetetive, seizure inducing image of what appears to be Nelly on a Huey
  8. Ewers alphanumeric translates to 39377, which is a zip code in South Korea.
  9. I understand being out on Sark, but I can’t understand wanting Patterson as the replacement. Aim higher.
  10. The Rockets, Mavericks and Spurs are all successful and have great fanbases, so you're not really on that point. Also, I was in school when we went to the Final Four and the Elite Eight, don't tell me about not having crazy fans, we lined up early as shit and packed that motherfucker out. I was about 10 feet away from Bobby Knight when I told him to choke out his bitch point guard for not being able to break a simple press. Winning solves everything.
  11. We’ll just trade one religious psycho owner for another. If you consider Bezos’s religion of being a self-aggrandizing dipshit an upgrade to our current Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, I wouldn’t argue it.
  12. This is phenomenal tanking. Whoever wins between two 2-8 teams is the loser. Draft is all that matters now. We benched our best defensive player for reasons literally no one can explain and went out and grabbed the L. Nicely done.
  13. I like Marte’s game and would be OK with that price, but also good passing at that price. I’ve always liked the Mets, I hope they get it together and start winning again.
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