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The Earl of Texas

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Earl of Texas

  1. Whoever hired Willie Lyles back in the day was WAY ahead of the game! Internal Director of Bags.
  2. You can’t blame him for the robbery bit. That’s literally in the OUDNA.
  3. Being Vandy if we don’t do this one thing is not ‘reality’. Seems much more like worst case scenario.
  4. Unfortunately, that has been the best recruiting post in quite some time! 😂
  5. I like the odds on any recruit who sees Texas win, and sees the overall football environment view us as a contender. Sark has a lot of work to do, but if we crush it, he’s going to solve a lot of problems.
  6. Well cross him off add him to the list, then!
  7. That’s the one that Bryan Harsin operated, so they had an “in” with the football players.
  8. It is a fun and heated rivalry and we have been playing them for a long time, makes sense to keep the game. Personally have a lot of friends that went there and I've made a lot of fun trips to Lubbock (rivalry is a bit lopsided, sure). Who would you want to keep playing?
  9. I think actually he’s really smart, saw how Skip Bayless, Stephen A, bald dipshit from Alabama etc all cashed out by saying controversial shit very loudly so he followed their mode, and honestly, I think he’s on the verge of their similar payday.
  10. Article by jounrno says kids pleading guilty, his attorney says otherwise. Not defending Deion but if that’s true, that journo sucks and they fucked up big time.
  11. The Richard Sherman thing really has nothing to do with him being an “athlete only.” Leonardo daVinci would look bad if he was in that Ring Doorbell vid.
  12. That moment when you thought you liked brakes but figure out that gas is where it’s at.
  13. Let’s just have Walter Cronkite do a smooth voice over about mass shootings and call it a day.
  14. Linebackers who fall for play action smh
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