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The Earl of Texas

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Earl of Texas

  1. Strange move all around to me. Texans seemingly could’ve gotten more, but unloading a mega contract who didn’t wanna play for you anyway and getting three first round pics in return is alright. Strange to run off a franchise player, period. But Deshaun going to the Browns? Joining a conference with the Bengals who are much better, and the Steelers and Ravens who are infinitely better run organizations than the Browns? I think a move to a weak conference would’ve done him good. But he’s a killer, usually those types don’t sweat that kind of stuff. I wonder if he’ll feel the same if they can’t get out of that division. And the Browns? Most guaranteed money in history for a 5 year deal after forfeiting your firsts for three years? This whole thing is weird.
  2. Between good landing spots and trade offers, situation looks pretty good for both Texans and Deshaun to get a happy ending.
  3. Been surprised how bullish the general NFL media crowd is on the return we will get. I really don’t see anyone saying we will get less than 3 1’s and some 2s or solid rookie contract guys. I mean, like 3 1’s and two starters on rookie deals is what I read as worst case… we’ll see.
  4. Panthers’ writer. That would be an unreal haul.
  5. I like Collins re-signing, he did well for us last year.
  6. LFG. Turn him into a bunch of picks right before the draft. Sense of urgency nearing draft usually leads to overpaying. Should get a great haul.
  7. Mexican name like Jesus is a little too ethnic for this front office. Could we rename it Dana Bible Study?
  8. Can’t say I understand the timing of this one. Wouldn’t it be better to wait until all Head Coaches have been hired (and hopefully you among them), then file suit? With the way the NFL has shown itself willing to collude to blackball people who confront the establishment, seems like there’s no way he gets a gig after this… Maybe he and his agent feel this will HELP his candidacy in some way? Or he already knows he won’t be getting hired?
  9. That was an insanely Rick Barnes way to lose a game. So fitting it’s almost hard to believe it’s not scripted.
  10. Nothing but love for Rick but also love seeing his offense run against my team.
  11. Probably best case scenario. Turn him into draft capital and let’s make the most of it. Caserio and his team better be nails in the draft.
  12. Yes you ‘take Deshaun back’ if given the chance. He’s a great QB and he’s a winner. Draft several OL in draft for competent play and good depth, use the rest of draft on D, and hopefully sign WR/TE via free agency. Would be much improved.
  13. It’ll be Flores. He and Caserio have history and we culled Culley shortly after Flores became available then rushed to interview him.
  14. They’re morons for doing that, can’t explain that. Regardless - get a coach that can’t coach, let your superstar QB sit instead of playing hardball with him so the tank is even worse. Then get great draft status and trade QB for even more draft pieces, or maybe try to bring him back if possible once you’ve fixed major OL issues in draft. Go get new coach who can actually coach to work the rebound. It’s a simple formula and it appears to be playing out. Texans could fuck up a bowl of cereal so not saying they’re playing (3D) chess but the rest of the writing is on the wall. Culley was a fall guy.
  15. I’m not sure how many times this needs to be explained but he was literally hired because he probably couldn’t handle the job and we would tank, then could fire him, get a new guy, and start the rebuild without him.
  16. Gotta feel bad for anyone who thinks In-and-Out fries are good, or anyone looking for coach talk
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