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The Earl of Texas

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Earl of Texas

  1. Great call, idiot. Just ripped your donkey squad via spending.
  2. It is not possible to say if this is the coaching at this point because our line play is so bad. No O coach can undo their OLine allowing endless pressure and not creating running room, and no D coach can undo getting fucking ZERO pressure or stopping the run. You can disguise the weakness but it always reveals eventually. Now, it becomes a coaching issue if they allow the same inability to continue. But we either develop the fuck out of some dudes or literally take 4 transfers on each side of the ball, or we run out the exact same product next year.
  3. Also I want to finally stop passing on signing Morton back lulz
  4. 2/3 is a fraction, and the so called experts are projecting 5 years $100M for Marcus. But even that’s a lot for me. Like I said, in Click I trust, we’ll see. I was just throwing out a name.
  5. That’s not what he said - He didn’t say Houston is going to go sign top flight talent. He just said Houston is going to sign free agents with the cap space vacated by departing free agents.
  6. We are super lucky to have Luhnow and Click as GMs back-to-back. Click will do what must be done, if that includes letting someone else pay Carlos $180,000 per hit and we go scoop someone like Semien to produce the same for a fraction of the cost, let’s do it. Will miss Correa if that comes to pass, but I get a crazy feeling that my life might continue.
  7. You don’t know Boston fans very well, that is clear. But obviously you’ve made up your mind. You should travel there more, great city, but I don’t think there’s a worse sports group in this country, or at least no one who outshines them definitively from my experience. They are ‘used to winning’ and super proud of their fandom and city which often creates a less than stellar result in fans.
  8. Not sure why people don’t just Google before they say something, but, I got you.
  9. You could’ve taken this argument and run with it if you hadn’t started off by breaking your ankle like that.
  10. That was a lot of words so no one read it but good luck at the Grown Man with Hurt Feelings awards I take it you’re a finalist. 😂
  11. Congrats to the Braves! .500 at the break, and now the Champs. That’s an outstanding team full of guys who are very easy to root for, they deserve it.
  12. Disappointing end but another amazing season and we’re talented enough to run it back next year. Can’t think of more than 2 or 3 teams whose fans wouldn’t trade with us in a heartbeat. Go Astros.
  13. What the Astros have done to the Yankees and their fans is hilarious and pretty awesome. Astros odds-on favorites to win AL in 2022.
  14. At least aggy has the fucking common sense not to bring deep kicks out when they have the lead in a tough situation, and let their O which has been having success go to work.
  15. The team is more than talented enough to do it. We’re going to have at least two very tough games ahead but I think we will be the better team in each of those games. Finish 10-2, better than I think most would’ve thought.
  16. https://247sports.com/player/brenen-thompson-46100208/ .96+ is very, very good for a ‘four star’
  17. I wonder how the board feels about Applewhite being better than Simms. They both played against Colorado.
  18. Like the enthusiasm but don’t understand why it needs to be binary. We should expect to beat them, but thanks to some donkey HCs, we haven’t. Its ok to critique the way a team wins, especially one with our expectations. But yes, good win for Sark and I liked his comments on the game too.
  19. Just felt after second watch like we were the better team, obviously Bijan had a big part in it but without him Sarkisian would’ve had to find a different way to get it done, and I thought we would’ve based on what I saw. Not trying to take anything away from Bijan, with him we were in a position to win comfortably, strangely enough, we just didn’t do it. Feel like the other backs would’ve done well too, but not as well. Would’ve needed to piece the rest together in a different way.
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