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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. Your kids are needed to help change Texas.
  2. He might actually carry a few states and prevent the D or R candidate from getting an electoral majority. The chaos after that would be biblical.
  3. Grade school riddle is appropriate. What did Tennessee? The same thing Arkansas.
  4. The converse of that is that I've gotten the Horns Up in about 10 different countries.
  5. Mayhue started against UVA in the regional and had a good stat line: 5 innings 3 hits 1 run 0 bb 2 ks
  6. Yeah, it reminds me of the time about a month ago when we got to the easy part of the schedule. Right before we lost the first 2 games to KSU.
  7. Well, to be fair, the door was endorsed by Cruz.
  8. You mean flight attendant.
  9. To be totally fair, I think he tried to correct himself to say "men or women looking at social media" rather than " men looking at women". But he is a mush-brained idiot. And somehow a "department" to monitor what a person does in his own home is not an infringement of constitutional rights, but reasonable gun restrictions are?
  10. Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people.
  11. Neither the LF nor 2B knew the rule. Dumb.
  12. Earlier stats vs. OSU: Hanson 7 innings, 9 hits, 6 ER. Gordon 6 innings, 3 hits, 2 ER. Advantage Gordon.
  13. I assume Hanson is pitching the first game, but haven't seen anything official. Has that been announced?
  14. And Christine Jorgensen underwent sexual transition in the early 1950s. So what's your point?
  15. Faltine seems to have one swing plane. If the ball's there when his bat is, he hits it hard. If it's anywhere else, especially away, it's a swing and miss.
  16. It's that a secret service dude in the background? He seems on top of things.
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