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Everything posted by hullabelew

  1. @G650 Honestly. I've was a fan from the Live album that came out in the 77 up until Cronin completely pussed out. I've read a ton of articles and dozens of interviews with him (albeit, mostly guitar/music related, and I've never heard anything bad, outside of his addiction problems...and Cronin constantly whining about him.
  2. The chartering agency has to make that decision, not the FDIC.
  3. When COVID hit, I was fresh out of a stint in the Lost and Found Department and need a way to spend my time, so I built a chicken coop, a covered run, and a larger open run and got me some chickens. My background. Grew up a farm and ranch. 20 brood mares putting out 15 colts a year that were broken to be used as working ranch horses for sale, and roping horses. 4-8 colts a year were marked for specific training to show/sell as cutting horses. Usually around 50 horses in various stages at any time. Add in about 60-80 cows for a cow/calf operation, 20-30 rabbit breeding does, 4-6 show steers, 4-6 show sheep, 20 goats, a couple of donkeys and 20-30 laying hens.....and various others dogs, cats, peacocks etc. As far as I know, a vet never came by our place to treat an animal. We can say I grew up around animals. My wife? Raised in Omaha, NE. Had a dog and apparently a duck. Within 6 months, she was telling me everything I was doing wrong with the chickens. 3 years later.....at least once a day....she points out something I'm doing drastically wrong that will imperil the entire flock of 7 hens.
  4. After I bomb HGTV headquarters, these motherfuckers are next.
  5. Hey...it is a long established rule on this thread that we don't turn on our own. We dudes have to stand together in the face of wife-bullshit and idiocy. 😁
  6. Ha. Her money, her closet, her time. She does the same thing with: onions, shallots, 'essential' oils, olive oil and any number of things. But I pick up an extra bottle of hot sauce..."WE HAVE ONE IN THE FRIDGE". I look at the basket of shallots in the corner and shrug. Women just aren't built to be happy or content. If you don't fuck it up for them, they they will fuck it up for themselves. Just how it works.
  7. What is the creep and clown comment about Richrath? Outside of his addiction issues, I've never heard anything bad about him.
  8. This song from Mojo.......when I heard it live, I thought it was some lost Zeppelin song. Campbell played a Les Paul and it fucking ROCKED.
  9. On the song Southern Accents, Petty said that when he was in Europe (France or Italy...can't remember) a fan told him how much that song meant to him. Petty asked if the guy had lived in the US. He said no....lived her all my life. The people in the northern part of the country thing all of the people in the southern part or stupid, backwards trash. For me, the comparison between Springsteen and Petty is that Petty is relatable by everyone while Springsteen, especially early stuff, has a much more limited fanbase. Not a bad thing. Just the way I see it. And one the Wildflowers album.....I think that a lot of the glowing reviews had to do more with the subject matter and how he was processing this life at the time. I have everything Petty ever released (at least I think I do) and I love EVERY album of his. I can't say that about any other artist. Oh, Mojo is also an incredibly underrated album.
  10. For me, this is his most underrated album. So many GREAT songs, all built around going back to Florida.
  11. I LOVE this song with Aimee Mann and Ted Leo. https://www.google.com/search?q=milwaukee+song+aimee+mann&safe=active&ssui=on and this is a GREAT live version. Aimee: I made a mistake Ted: "Yeah, by starting this band"
  12. Bumping. Headed to Israel in March. Tiberias for 3 nights, Jerusalem for 4, then on to Cairo for 5 more.
  13. Making Movies is probably my all-time favorite album. But this one, especially this performance? LIVE. Just about perfect. When the keyboards come in around the 2 minute mark. Pure joy
  14. She let a big truck......grease her hips......
  15. yep. The new headstocks match the one on my 62 Century which was made in Kalamazoo. Only difference is my Epi 339's headstock is a bit longer.
  16. I really like "All My Friends Are Dying". I'm really not a huge fan of the overall songwriting but the musicianship is fantastic and I like the production. I really was never a huge fan of Five Eight, but I always loved Mantione's vocals.
  17. And not to derail, but Emmylou is the finest harmony singer and here she walks another legendary asshole thru this great song. Even he had too much respect for Emmylou, and this powerhouse band, to not show up drunk. I got to see this band back up Emmylou and Ronstadt around this time. Holy shit.
  18. My favorite recording of his is on the Gram Parson's tribute album. His harmony work with Lucinda is just fantastic. Completely stays out of the way of Lucinda. His ear for harmony was incredible.
  19. Tillie had her eye on a bastard, tomato-stealing, squirrel in a poplar tree.
  20. Got my copy in the mail yesterday. Haven't had a chance to sit down with it in a proper environment.
  21. He made a huge change in that band in a very short time. Such a shame we never got to hear where they would have gone.
  22. Same for me. I sweating like a whore in church every night. And like @Celery Man, that was before the wheels really came off.
  23. One thing I've started doing is to contact people who helped me when I was younger, were strong, positive influences in my life or who I admire for their actions. I started writing former teachers to thank them. Old school letters, no email or FB/Insta posts. I did the same for people who supported me in 4H and FFA by purchasing my animals at the stock show. I spent most of 2022 in the Young Co. where I grew up. I was able to meet with many people, mostly parents of my friends, to thank them for what they meant for me. It has helped a lot with my spirituality. Something very cleansing and humbling about the process. Then last weekend, I ran in to a former neighbor. She always seemed stand-offish. Some thought she was stuck-up. They had 3 kids around the same age as mine. The husband/father was a real asshole to the kids and she always stayed away from social gatherings at the pool. All 3 kids were great athletes but the dad just emotional beat them down. They couldn't even play at the pool with him constantly yelling and correcting them. He ended up having an away from the cheerleading coach of the youth football league and the wife booted him. This was probably 5 years ago. I ran in to the dad 2 years ago and asked about his kids. He said, "I have no idea. They won't talk to me." Well, I got to see how the kids turned out. One was a first round draft pick in MLB out of high school. The other is a nurse and is marrying an AF pilot and the youngest played college lacrosse and is graduating in May and joining the AF. Three well adjusted kids. I told her how happy I was and how much I respected what she was able to do. She could not have been more surprised and thanked me over and over for taking the time to talk with her. And what some people viewed as stuck-up? It was probably more fear of him than anything. She was keeping the house running while he was running rough-shod over the family. Just reiterated to me that we never know what someone else is going through, so when in doubt, be nice. I'm not saying this to brag....I just found a tool that helps me and also doesn't hurt others. I have a watercolor painting by Jon Dee Graham. The caption reads, "Here's a thought....treat everyone you meet like it's the last time you'll ever see them. Let's try that."
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