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Everything posted by hullabelew

  1. in 1978-79, they put out this 25/50 Anniversary guitar. Local guitar shop in Wichita Falls has 1 in stock. Then the 4/10/79 tornado flattened the building. Always wondered what happened to that beauty. This was the color scheme they had. https://reverb.com/p/gibson-les-paul-25-slash-50-anniversary?hfid=60270776&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17684165886&utm_content=campaignid=17684165886_adgroupid=137240598454_productpartitionid=1682339727300=merchantid=542975066_productid=60270776_keyword=_device=c_adposition=_matchtype=_creative=609048300175&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxYOiBhC9ARIsANiEIfanHZnSd8YeWM4G9D6-cXwXh8V0WZXTgQJfcrmTJhbE49bJFl4yurEaAg9vEALw_wcB
  2. I like the look now, but 16 year old me....looking at that LP......and I bought something else and I've never forgiven myself.
  3. Black pickguard and knobs takes me back to when I first fell in live with LPs. I still kick myself for not buying that White Custom in 1977.
  4. That first Marshall Crenshaw album still gets a lot of play around casa de hulla. Same for Everywhere At Once. Oldest Story In The World is a top 10 song for me. I've seen Peter Case a bunch of times, and he's never played that song. My brother says every time he see Peter, he plays it. I once saw him play back to back sets.....only repeated one song and he never played Oldest Story. Peter's album, Full Service No Waiting doesn't have a bad song on it. Same for his 1986 debut album. I LOVE this one from Full Service. "Going out tonight, way downtown. Where my friends who died still hang around" Wow.
  5. I constantly tell my wife, "I have no power over it......so I can't waste my energy worrying about it". It's one of the very, very few things I say that she doesn't have a retort for.
  6. @baboso once told me... "You don't want to see what's on my cull list"
  7. Cousin @Steel Shank I was sure you would find the sandwich shot. Seems just about perfect for this family.
  8. Damn Cousin @Steel Shank....Maggie's a bit on the rude side.
  9. Did you know Jim Albright? Or his wife, Ducky?
  10. One guy (call him John) was always busting the chops of a rich rancher/oil man (Al) about how cheap Al was. Whenever John died, he had the funeral director put a big price tag on the casket, showing how much he spent on it. All just to fuck with Al for being so cheap. John was my hero.
  11. I can't count the number of times we delivered furniture to one town, then drove to another town to pick up a body from a different funeral home.
  12. In 78-80, one of my many jobs in high school was working for the local furniture store/funeral home. One day, we had to drive from North Texas (more like southern Oklahoma) to south Texas to pick up a body. Three of us hop in the blue hearse and head out. Somewhere along the way, one guy laid down on the cart in the back to take a rally nap after a long night. Shortly after, we stop in some small town DQ to grab some drinks. Driver orders for me and him, then turns around and says, "What do you want?" Mack sets up and places his order....we look to the window and the chick has bolted. We had to go in to pick up our drinks. Mack stayed in the hearse. I wish I could say we planned that first one...but it was an accident....but every DQ after that....we pulled the same stunt.
  13. Man, I wish I could swing Goredo's Reverb. That thing is talking to me and keeping me awake at night.
  14. You need to go to a football game is Oxford.
  15. I actually went to the same treatment center as Isbell. Baboso on here helped find it. (If it can get him sober, it can damn sure help you). Anyway, I was talking to Jeff Plankenhorn before a show in Atlanta (with Scrappy Jud) just after I got out of treatment. He then spent a LOT of time with me after the show. A year before, he had mentioned his sobriety date and I responded that he and Isbell had the exact same sobriety date. He said, "That's a strange thing to have in common". He remembered me commenting on that and has stayed in touch since.
  16. Haven't seen it but Amanda is fun Instagram/Twitter follow. She is far from a tee-totaller. She is tough. Hell, she was on the road with Billy Joe Shaver for a while...and he was the one who convinced her to start writing her own songs. Plus, the time with the Texas Playboys.....at a very young age. I can imagine she can be very blunt and wouldn't want to get her pissed off, for sure. My favorite quote of hers is, "I can hold my breathe longer than I can listen to current country radio".
  17. Cory Branan says his wife makes him practice in the yard.
  18. After a couple of weeks with the Strymon Cloudburst: Background: I have a Hall of Fame (I think I got it from Paul Wesley) that suited my needs but I wanted something that gave more ambient sounds but stay away from the $$$, big footprint Strymons. I record my grand daughter singing and then add guitars/mandolins to it. It is fun for both of us and the Cloudburst has all kinds of cool ambient action that isn't a pain in the ass to dial in. No hidden menus you have to learn by pushing a bunch of buttons and knobs or going through menus. I have enough trouble playing the guitar without having to learn a bunch of pedal shit. I also started playing in a praise band at my wife's church. Probably not going to be doing that much longer, but it is great for using volume pedal swells to fill in the empty spots, something this group really needed. I've also found a couple of cool, always on choices that I'm having a lot of fun with, so the pedal isn't all just about the fluffy, singing/shimmering stuff and by running the HOF pedal after it, I can still add a 'regular' reverb sound. The 'ensemble' switch is very cool. Off, low and high. If I play a chord or especially triad with my fingers, the first time it will emphasis one note in the background shimmer...the next time, a different note, and the next time, a different note, so it isn't the same each time. And it is also sensitive to how hard your pick/strum and where on the guitar you actually play. Fun toy for not much money.
  19. Ha. I was just about to say I love that green color. Happy belated birthday and NGD.
  20. hullabelew

    RIP Coolio

    Wait, so he 'samples' a Stevie Wonder song and then is pissed at Weird Al for making a parody of the very same song?
  21. Especially when it's upside down.
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