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Everything posted by hullabelew

  1. Bono was 23 years old when they played that first show at Red Rocks that everyone has seen. Touring to support their 3rd album at 23. He OWNED that venue that night. But I haven't liked anything since Joshua Tree. I sat through Rattle and Hum movie and I could see the end of me listening to them. Like Jimmyjazz, I like the song "One" but probably not as much. Cool Story Bro: Our company hired an Irish guy to teach use how to quit writing in 'business' language. We were supposed to submit a sample of our writing. Most people gave him a work product, but I gave him a concert review of a Maria McKee show where I referenced the "hipsters of U2". The old Irish dude asked me, "Are you referring to Dave or Paul?" He was Ali's uncle. He told me several really cool stories about their early years and some future plans the band had.
  2. 16 yr old Hulla put the amp in his bedroom and ran a long-ass cable into the back yard. Cranked that fucker, climbed through the window, closed it, and stood in the back yard and ROCKED the 400 block of W. Bloodworth and the government apartments on N. Ave G to Howard Street. The sound of rattling windows was better than any pedal ever.
  3. In 1978, I bought a Super Reverb. 16 year old me thought it would be fucking AWESOME to have such a loud amp. It was....for about a week. That salesman should be pelted with rocks and garbage for selling that to me. A Princeton would have been more than enough and I would likely still have it. I sold the Super in 82 for what I paid for it. I've mentioned this before but a friend was just getting in to guitar about 20 years ago. He orders a Strat and he asks about amps. Dude is a complete beginner at the time. I told him, "Whenever they suggest an amp, ask to look at the two smaller amps than the one they suggest and pick one of them...preferably the small of the two. They suggested a DR. He comes home with Hot Rod Deville. He lived in a condo. He complained it was too loud for his condo. I told him it would too loud for any place he would ever play and to go back and get a Princeton or a Champ. He comes home with a DR.
  4. This is a safe place. We don't turn on our own. 😁
  5. Candy stocker gets an A plus. Should be working and watching the Senate hearings on SVB, but this pedal is exactly what I was wanting. The ensemble switch is big fun.
  6. To update the rug situation. Yep...just like I thought, "we need to put in hard wood floors in that room before we put the rug down." I don't give a fuck what she spends on jewelry, shoes, anything really. It gives me justifications to buy new guitars. But her explanations and justifications are entertaining as fuck. She bitched about me spending $25 on something the other day. So I dove in. Me: How much was that bracelet and the ring you bought at that last store in Jerusalem? Her: You don't know? Me: No, and I really don't care, but how much was it? Her: Well, you kept walking away when I was buying it. Me: Yep.....You probably should have walked away as well. Her: The ring was $190 and that's really all I wanted. Me: And the bracelet? Her: $3,000. AND, he gave me another necklace for FREE! Me: Well. You drove a good bargain.
  7. Oh....the old mattress trick. My prediction: 1. Once you start complaining about how hard it is, she will profess her love for the new mattress. Again, hitting up what a great bargain she got. 2. Sometime later, she will realize that it is hard as a cinderblock bed. 3. After that, she will say that she bought it for YOU. SHE never wanted the new mattress, but you deserved a NICE one. 4. She will then suggest you guy buy a mattress EXACTLY like you used to own.
  8. @Celery Man You Matchless is much prettier than Ken's.
  9. Damn, he sounds like Doc Watson. I don't think I've ever heard him sing. That gives me the chills.....WOW.
  10. Again on Vince. Never been able to catch a Time Jumpers' show when I'm in Nashville.
  11. @Jerry Callo Man...I've never been able to express this, but you just hit the nail on the head for me. We were on a two week trip recently with free beer and wine at the hotels. Never really wanted a drink at all until my wife started bitching about whatever she was bitching about that day...then I just wanted to go to the bar and disappear.
  12. NPD on Tues. Been looking for a reverb pedal with more ambient options than what I have, but didn't want to go full Strymon $$$$ and the huge footprint. Them Strymon does this. Love the stuff at the 6:30 more with the tap pedal and freezing the sound. You can also save one sound in the pedal and another one in the pedal to toggle back and forth. Cloudburst
  13. Never seen a Lowden in that big body or maple. Richard Thompson plays a lot of Lowdens. Seem to be better fit for finger picking. Everyone I've ever played has been incredible. That thing is beautiful.
  14. Start at around the 5 min mark...fuck that...start at the 0:00 mark.
  15. Fuck... Anyway, My wife has some symptoms that are displayed by Mrs. Cumsteen. But she buys them and puts them in the basement, never to be seen again. We bought a kickass rug at a rug making school while we were in Egypt a couple of weeks ago. She said she would like one...I said buy but.....then my normal question... "Where are you going to put it". Then the normal response. "After we blah, blah, blah, blah renovate, HGTV, wood floor in room ABC, yada, yada.:" Me: I'm not paying for rug just to stick it in the basement. We already have probably 5 rugs down there." Her: OK. We will put it in the front room. It gets delivered today......I will update at that point. In the meantime, ABOVE are some windows that 'reportedly' came out of an old church in Port St. Joe. She found them in an antique shop down there. I had to wrap them and stuff them in my kayaks to get them home. Since then (about 8 years ago) they have yet to see the light of day...or a paint scraper. There are MANY more of these such items in the basement and garage. (multiple tables/chairs, MULTIPLE framed pictures of all sizes, knick-knacks and paddy-whacks of all shapes and sizes, beds and bed frames, book shelves and other large bedroom furniture. I used to not give a shit, but fuck me...I can barely more around the upstairs of our house because of all the furniture.....the basement? No fucking way. I stay out of that part. But I have a shot glass with guitar picks on my night stand? "That doesn't fit the design I'm going for". I busted out laughing, then fell over a new table that just appeared. In the meantime, I'll be huffing a can or two of that Duster in the picture above
  16. Here is the version from Smith's Olde Bar. Keith Christopher on bass.
  17. Last one...the control of tone the Eddy shows here? This was in 85. Holy fuckity fuck. The Shaver Live at Smith's Olde Bar is one of the best live guitar tones I've ever heard.
  18. Warner Hodges is one of my very favorites. He has his killer tone on his Tele with Jason and the Scorchers and is now playing Les Pauls..........and still knocks it out of the park.
  19. That is Kevin McKinney on that solo. I saw him touring with Bob before this album wat released. I have a recording of him doing an extended version of this....and it is KILLER. That dude is HIGHLY underrated. And when you combine him with Bruce Hughes and Conrad.....holy fuck, what a band.
  20. The 'lead' guitar (call/response) on this. Sounds like shit on youtube, but the album sounds fantastic. Same for Dave Alvin's strat sound. Holyfuck.
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