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Everything posted by wd40

  1. some footage from a couple months ago, but mostly today. same trail network. today was one of those super-humid days where some of the rocks were sweating. made it fun. enjoy.
  2. almost had to surrender my man card. been so busy with work I had a package of bacon expire a week ago, as it turns out. plastic was still tight, so I threw it in the oven today with nothing to lose. my happy place
  3. Dude, cyberlover is the preferred nomenclature.
  4. Stay out of the path of the ragin' black stallionAnd don't lay a hand on the face
  5. he talked for 45 minutes, and nobody understood a word that he said, but we had fun fillin' out the forms and playing with the pencils on the bench, there...
  6. I was wondering about the 'coaster' part of the video title. I couldn't make even those minimal hucks without pedaling some. SBT solo? bring a good map and don't get too tired and zone out because there is some route finding to be done. I stayed out of it, because what good was one more finger on the map gonna do? specifically, there is a park for equestrian access, so you end up riding for a bit on a dirt road. just took some thought as to which way to go, there. we were also lucky in that there was a race a week before, so there were no downed trees to deal with. the first climb from the trailhead on FSR 76 up to Osha Pass is brutal. 1.4 miles, and my Strava avg speed was 1.7mph. I started out too fast, and didn't recover til we were over the pass. but I'm a lowlander. not bad at all after that. second grind up 1000' was easy compared to the one at the start. this was a few years ago, my first trip out there. the guy driving the SBT ride wanted to start at the bottom of 76, but got easily overruled, esp after 3 days of park. so the big guy not doing SBT hauled us all up there, packed into a chevy pickup. at the other end, the condo owner we stayed with piled us into his cargo van with our bikes, and drove us to La Cueva in Taos for lunch. epic day. I think we saw maybe two people until we got to the last descent into Taos, where it was yabba-dabba-do time on the switchbacks to the end. kind of a culture shock, plus dealing with kids and dogs on hairpins. there's an awesome overlook, just before the final descent. kinda subtle turn off at a dogleg, but it's a good spot to celebrate the achievement. have fun. be careful out there. gets pretty chunky in spots, in the last 4 miles or so. 2x: springs wear out. very good chance it's shot, with that kinda mileage. had it happen on my last der. usually bend a cage before that happens. not saying the cassette, chain and chainrings aren't due for replacement, but diagnosing the spring on the der should be pretty easy. if there's a belly in the chain...
  7. 2x: I perch on an Origin8 (off Amazon), nowadays. I loved the fit of the WTB RocketV for years, but figured out the stitching was wearing out the seams in my shorts. new saddle is similar shape so comfortable, but without big seams. everyone's sit bones are different. ymmv. Stink: Psycho Rocks looks like fun in that pic. youtubes of it further up show some serious pucker factor. family trip to NM, mostly to use up an airbnb we had booked during The Fucking Blizzard and had to reschedule. I got one day at Angel Fire, tho. monsoon conditions, and dealing with tendonitis in my forearm. preride mode on the double blacks. oh, @KuЯdt, thanks for the route intel. been meaning to do an urban assault at SWT for years (saw a video long time ago, but no satellite maps, back then). scratch one off the bucket list (getting close).
  8. so I've come into possession of a metric shit-ton of windsurfing gear: two boards, and almost a dozen sales, plus a harness and other bits of hardware. I haven't looked at it all in detail, but I think it's mostly wave sailing stuff. probably going to need to get a new base and extension (the ones I got are kinda sloppy). super stoked. was thinking about buying a new rig for days too windy to take out the Force 5 (at least for my skill level). but I haven't windsurfed in 20 years. I'd like to find a beginner board for the kids (and me, tbh). maybe I can talk the shop at Bird Island into selling me one, cheap.
  9. same (well, bike). they should put them in Forest Ridge. call it a "gated community". I mean, FR is already a giant fuck-you to the taxpayers. might as well make it a fuck-you to the birds and birdfags.
  10. yeah. opportunity missed, there, Merrill.
  11. wait. an oven mitt covered with hand lotion? with some creative silkscreen and maybe some miniature foam-rubber tits, you'd have a goldmine there.
  12. dudes with pellet smokers have already sliced their own balls off, so...
  13. I've figured it out. it's this thread. this thread is why I've been constipated, the last couple days. thanks, guys.
  14. simply a PR move leading up to the vote.
  15. we stayed at a small condo tower in Kihei. very quiet. nice big grass lawn before it dropped down to the beach. the beach in front of the place wasn't big, but was well sheltered by some rocks, which made for some really good snorkeling. we were walking distance to some good restaurants, the grocery store, and a city park with a skate park and whatnot where you could take surf lessons or just rent gear. this was March, so lots of whale spotting, right from our balcony. pretty windy while we were there, so snorkeling had to happen in the morning before the chop got up and the water clarity deteriorated. our trip to The Wild Side of Molokini turned into some fairly deep-water snorkeling out of the wind and waves. kind of a letdown there, but we did get close to some whales on that boat ride, and I saw a good-sized eel. Maui is crowded. driving sucked. went over to the other side to checkout a surf point. Mama's Fish House was a circus, even at 3pm. fuck that. one of the best things for me was getting up early (still functioning on CST) and drinking my coffee on the top floor patio, watching meteors and satellites. not West Texas dark, but a shitload less light pollution that Austin.
  16. wear them backwards. you're welcome. my TTTMMS: -motherfuckers who do all their shopping on Amazon
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