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Everything posted by SizzleChest

  1. This thread got Cloak Room'd like 2020 all over again. Will the stupid kill the thread or will it survive? Film at eleven.
  2. Holy shit, if NC State had won today, they would have had to forfeit the Championship Series.
  3. The way he snaps his fingers at the waiter and then points with his pinky out.
  4. I shouldn't expect much from closed captions spellings, but it's spelled with a 'p' on Urban Dictionary too.
  5. I rewatched some episode recently with the closed captions turned on. Finally learned how to spell 'pucchiac'. Should come in handy the next time I need to call someone a cunt and they'll wonder what it means.
  6. Not a scorpion kick.
  7. The whistler can get fucked. Heavy metal David Ash did his business with a Jersey and mullet, no insipid whistling.
  8. Would you rather have the staccato horn blowing, which is just a replacement for an organist, or would you rather have the semi-truck horn the cockroaches adopted as their most annoying sound vehicle?
  9. I don’t have any problems with him using satire to get his message across. When it’s done well, it’s cutting and is, more often than not, the smart way to ridicule. When he just gets all puffed up in what is supposed to be a panel debate and rages at younger generations that are not actually the monolith he appears to believe they are, it’s dumb and does little to advance the debate. As long as HBO doesn’t cancel his show (or him) before his contract runs out, he’s going to hang around. The fact that the mouth breathers at Tiger Droppings have become fans of his is less about Maher and more about them being dumbasses.
  10. Maher's a classic liberal and classic liberals on TV or in the MSM are basically unicorns now. His response is to shit on all of it, which is one way of addressing the problem., I guess. You know, instead of having these people on his show to debate like he used to. These would be hellacious debates, and I'm sure Maher would win his fair share, if not most of them. Perhaps the issue is that he can't book these people on his show because they view him as unacceptable for saying the n-word that one time, or other controversies. I could see that in one sense, but in another it's TV and the left likes being on TV almost as much as they like to break dance all over Twitter. But these people are NOT the majority of the left, just like left Twitter is not reality. Guests like the one the other night (not Reiner), and it's just not worth watching because it's the same uninteresting, bloviating, generational bitching crap.
  11. Yeah seems like a waste of $$$$.
  12. She was actually trying to challenge Maher and he wasn’t hearing it. They were both annoying.
  13. I went back and watched the previous segment and he was doing it. But, wait. Are we arguing that Bill Maher doesn’t bitch about Millenials / GenZ? It comes off as total disregard for anyone younger than 30. It’s fucking depressing because he rarely has anyone under 30 on his show. Rob Reiner, who is usually quite animated, just sitting there calmly looking at Maher like he’s the screaming lunatic now. Which he is.
  14. Yeah, that was a lot more measured than just raging wildly at Millennials and GenZ, which he often does like an old man screaming at clouds.
  15. He jumped the shark years ago. Used to have people on that made for interesting debates, but now he just screams too much like a dusty old fart.
  16. That’s fair. I think it’s not that we’ll ever have a workable answer, it’s that it will take a long ass time to get to that answer. Scientific and political climates rarely, if ever, overlap.
  17. I know I’m stating or questioning the obvious (again), but how do we do this with a more independent group of scientists that are either scientifically unbiased - which is unrealistic - or free(er) from the kinds of political bias that is inevitable? Maybe I missed your thoughts on this upthread, so bear with me.
  18. GoF devotees are structurally incapable of assessing risk / benefit, imo.
  19. It’s a valid POV though, even if it misses your thrust.
  20. Conspiracy theorism is a foundational belief system for most of these people, tbh.
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