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Everything posted by mulletpelini

  1. Cousin got in a fight with an ex of the woman he was having relations with and ex put him in a choke hold, he passed out and never regained consciousness. Charge was dropped from 2nd degree felony manslaughter to negligent homicide, guy did 4 months. Shitty deal for everyone involved.
  2. My ex-wife screamed for about 45 minutes while she was getting scanned. I took a nap during mine. Most women don't like it.
  3. This would be a uuuge win for Nebraska. And by win I mean an actual win since they're on the schedule.
  4. One question you may or may not want to ask once she tells you she's been on the treadmill for over an hour. "Was it on?"
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/gnjtx7/are_you_sure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x Good thing he was only dumb enough to try it and not stick around with his back turned to an attacking gator.
  6. Not sure but 60% of the time it works everytime.
  7. true story I once did a beer luge using an exes axe wound. She was tickled pink until I upped the ante to vodka.
  8. Forgot about Phyllis Davis, she was pretty hot.
  9. It's an old wives tale because women are the only ones bitching about it. Flip flops in the attic? That's not the real question. Real question is who the fuck still uses cat5
  10. mulletpelini


    Chicks are way easier in old mexico
  11. Has there been a hotter Phyllis? I defy you to find one.
  12. have you seen her? $60 is pretty good
  13. Now I do disagree slightly here, as Black and Gold is just about one of the best combinations for a uniform imo....and unfortunately I know way too much after living there for 5 years. Probably told it before, but company came at me with "We want to transfer you to either.....", me interrupting, "Yes"
  14. Sounds like she's already getting work done at the Honda dealer
  15. My ex-wife, while not quite that possessed, would act that way every now and agian. I'd just stare at her and say nothing. They want you to react, they need you to react.
  16. That is literally the only thing I can find ok with KSU. Honestly didn't recognize ISU's at all. Guess it doesn't get played that much. You should adopt the mid 90's ou rule of playing after every 3 and out.....on offense.
  17. No you didn't, you grew up in Wentzville, South County, St. Charles, Clayton......you didn't grow up in STL Oh yeah, completely forgot about the high school thing. Living in the past.
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