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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. I propose we build a series of Freedom Cities just downwind from The Great Salt Lake or another drying up lake full of toxins just waiting to fill the air. we grift them once with the initial purchase, but the endless health problems leads to endless grift opportunities right up to the “Trump Funeral Package”.
  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/fox-corp-trump-campaign-hit-fec-complaint-rcna73342
  3. He has a dong twice the size as Hunter. When not engorged, the 2 gallons of blood pools to the bottom of his feet and makes him several inches taller. Its science.
  4. I am no lawyer but how can it be legal for a company hired to handle your confidential marketing material to hand it over to your competitor in an obvious attempt to harm you?
  5. Next time I get a speeding ticket, I am wearing a MAGA cap for my court date. It is truly a get out of jail/avoid any consequences for my actions cloak of invincibility.
  6. Wait so anyone with mental illness needs to resign from Congress?? I am all for it but kicking every Republican out seems a bit extreme.
  7. See, that’s all we wanted. Wasn’t that hard….
  8. If you are Republican, it is an arms race to see how much you can get away with. Unfortunately as shitty as these pub politicians are, the pub voters are even worse.
  9. I remember a time when this would actually hurt a news organization. We are not in that time. These revelations will do absolutely nothing since the lies are the point. A small part of me feels for these Fox executives that still had a conscious and were trying to navigate this mess. It reminds me of when I coached my son's YMCA baseball team when he was 4yrs old. Just trying to keep the kids from hitting each other with bats and manage the chaos. The 4yr old may have actually been easier to manage then this basket of loons.
  10. Doggie position makes a lot of women much more attractive.
  11. I knew a girl named Nikki I guess you could say she was a sex friend I met her in a hotel lobby Masturbating with a magazine She said how'd you like to waste some time? And I could not resist when I saw little Nikki grind
  12. Yup. Trump also can't understand the concept of population growth and how, with time, even a losing candidate will get more votes than what a winning candidate would have received years prior. "I got more votes than Lincoln! How is is possible that I lost???"
  13. Mahomes will always suck ass and will die of tertiary syphilis. Discuss.
  14. I would like to see the dems pass a law that any state that collects more in federal expenditure the. It contributes must have their governor sign a statement stating “The great state of ___ hearby accepts and acknowledges this socialist gift from the US Federal government and the tax payers of other states.” Failure to sign results in forfeiture of any funds over what that state contributes on an annual basis.
  15. I assume the latest Q theory is that irons emit brain altering 5G signals and that is why wrinkled pants are required at all MAGA fuck fests.
  16. It was covered with jizz. The reverse Hitler look is in vogue though.
  17. The Trump Laptop- “twice the corruption with absolutely no big dick energy “
  18. “Maybe it’s the lies, maybe it’s Maybelline. It’s probably the lies…”
  19. Furthermore, the founding fathers didn't even know Rahimi's wife, so how can it be established that killing her is something that our ancestors would disapprove of??
  20. It should go without saying but since the MAGA talking point of the day is to encourage shooting at things in the sky ..... The Science Of Why Firing Your Gun Up Into The Air Can Be Lethal https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/07/02/the-science-of-why-firing-your-gun-up-into-the-air-can-be-lethal/?sh=4f906bbeff65
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