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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. I'm not making jokes. And if the child was a minor, there most certainly should have been a nurse or parent in the room.
  2. Buster Brown's have gotten that hard to find, huh?
  3. I know we shoudn't victim shame but the guy stuck his tongue in their vaginas? And they didn't think that was, uh, weird?
  4. Makes me wonder how much of the farming done along the Ganges and Mekong (for example) is for substinence versus export.
  5. The Texas and Louisiana coasts could get hit hard but population can move if it needed to. It's place like Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China that are really fucked. And the Dutch. But we all know how brisket feels about the Dutch.
  6. The reason I asked is that.... You wont even get out of the airport until 12:30-1:00 after you get your luggage and car. I see on your itinerary that the plan was to get to Port Angeles. IF everything goes normally that's a good plan. Between SEATAC and Tacoma, the traffic can flow easily or suck.
  7. Somebody got high and watched Battleship last night, huh?
  8. Nope. Nor Vegas. I'm perfectly happy to pontificate from the my keyboard and generalize based on.... my research.
  9. Casinos don't have people wandering around in open air spaces. Except that one with all of the games of chance.
  10. Anyone have an EGO? I already have their weedeater and blower so I have the battery pack. They are both more than adequate for my yard. However, my 13 year old Toro needs a shit ton of maintenance work and it's probably time to replace it. EGO makes over a dozen models in 21" and 20" models. Self-propelled is nice but not a must have since the weight is reduced. Any thoughts?
  11. I think you meant reverse cowgirl. But you do you.
  12. I'm not saying those things don't exist in Dubai. I'm saying they pale in comparison to Vegas. Sure, you can get a drink and blowjob. It's just not as easy.
  13. Roy Clark is dead. But dead, he still puts on a better show. And isn't this prime for a tornado to come tearing through and make it a real ride?
  14. That was one of my first thoughts as well. It's like Vegas without the shows, casinos, booze and prostitution. I mean, at least for the regular visitor.
  15. Fairly far behind the curve here but put me in the camp that likes Bosch. Overall it was a pretty good series (the original) even if it was a little heavy handed with some of the family drama. I wish they hadn't fucked up the relationship between Harry and J. Edgar because that was best when they really trusted each other. Also, I loved Crate and Barrel. they were great. The FreeVee season sucks. Maddie as a cop was terrible. Her "empathy" was stupid and obviously got her in a lot of trouble.
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