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Everything posted by Bozo_Casanova

  1. Um, 70% of Texans live in the big four metro areas. The issue is strategic, not political. Rural Texas got bright red as the Democratic Party abandoned efforts to win rural county courthouses in the 90s and hasn’t gone back since and consequently lose rural areas by default while the GOP still contests elections in the urban and suburban counties, and the efforts add up. So example- Travis County went 72% for Biden- other urban counties were blue, but less so. The bluest county in the Panhandle was Potter- where Amarillo held Trump down to 68%. The panhandle as a whole (including Potter) was over 80% for Trump. Further south on the western edge of the Big Country, Midland county was 75%. In other words- it’s rural Texas that is out of touch with Texans. They are just so intensely out of touch that they are able to carry the state in coalition with disaffected city dwellers.
  2. for the record I am completely down with fresh sourdough bread and sex.
  3. BTW @UTPhil2006 and others in the real estate biz: I’m aware this is not a fun time for y’all and it has probably impacted your lifestyle. Sorry if my post seemed flip.
  4. Incidentally, where are most of these people going eastbound on Barton Spring Road coming from?
  5. Set in motion over a year before Watson took office, try to keep up.
  6. Yeah, no. People are thinking twice about selling because they wont make as much as they would have before? Oh no! Where was all the bleating about the unattainable explosion of asset prices when leverage was free? Easy credit got us into this, it won’t get us out, and if sectors of this economy don’t work with very normal 5% interest rates it’s the sector that needs change only tighter credit can provide. Big picture: we need much more and much smaller housing that doesn’t need free debt to make sense. Near term, if people want their house to sell faster they can drop prices. Until then unemployment is low, businesses are hiring, wages are rising and things are pretty good. Normalizing rates is like the veer offense or novacaine. It always works. Just give it time.
  7. At Total Wine, “McFarlane’s Reserve” is actually pretty good at that price. ($39.99)
  8. Now see, this is a good post on this thread. Somebody with known good taste says a widely available mainline blend in the aging sweet spot is good. Thank you Bill. I will go to Longhorn Steakhouse tomorrow for a lunchtime sirloin and a pour of this. We need more posts like this and less promotion of “Old Product Manager’s mid-year special reserve margin plug single barrel 14.”
  9. As long as their business interest doners can go without appropriations, I guess. The power of the speakers gavel is vast.
  10. The compromise candidate is Hakeem Jeffries with a pledge to bring any bill with a bipartisan whipcount majority to the floor. Their bad faith in both houses demonstrate that they can’t be trusted with more.
  11. What did you do with the pelts
  12. If a hugely consequential and incredibly surgical land use reform package while also unfucking the CMs office and three public safety agencies and getting multiple city enterprises back on the rails while also operating in a weak-mayor system doesn’t move the needle for you, I don’t know what to tell you. You don’t have to agree with what he’s done, but he’s done a LOT.
  13. I’m, just a tick above but really my question is why? Diminishing returns are at work here and like anything there’s a sweet spot on both ends. They are already cutting it to get back to 114 post barrel, and I think it’s better cut to 107 and even better than that at 90. Exactly. EXACTLY.
  14. To me it’s a very good mixer and a venerable legacy bourbon . It probably shouldn’t have been lumped in with the others, because they’re incredibly mid, borderline crap. My point was that they just repositioned an old standby as if it was some kind of reissue. It’s hard to point to a worst offender in the “most cynical whiskey expressions” category, but BT makes a strong case with what they’ve done with Weller.
  15. "I freely admit to feeling cheated that OJ Simpson didn't get life for his crimes. That he probably will never be brought to his arthritic knees. I assuage my anger by reassuring myself that he will never again elicit the respect and admiration of reasonable people. That he'll always be whispered about like some latter-day Hester Prynne wearing an "M" instead of an "A". And that he will always be surrounded by back-slappers, sycophants, ass-kissing golfing buddies, and coke whores who are looking to thrill-fuck a murderer. Hey, you know what folks? I think he DID get life. Yeah he did. You're our "bitch" now OJ." - Dennis Miller, May 11 1996
  16. "I freely admit to feeling cheated that OJ Simpson didn't get life for his crimes. That he probably will never be brought to his arthritic knees. I assuage my anger by reassuring myself that he will never again elicit the respect and admiration of reasonable people. That he'll always be whispered about like some latter-day Hester Prynne wearing an "M" instead of an "A". And that he will always be surrounded by back-slappers, sycophants, ass-kissing golfing buddies, and coke whores who are looking to thrill-fuck a murderer. Hey, you know what folks? I think he DID get life. Yeah he did. You're our "bitch" now OJ." - Dennis Miller, May 11 1996
  17. I love regular Weller, Weller 12 is probably my all time favorite, and William Larue Weller is the epitome of what the BTAC should be. Everything else is a pile of meh. Antique is just 107, Single Barrel (as SBs almost always are) is a marketing gimmick, CYPB is basically drinkable fan fiction, and Daniel Weller is a packaging concept to montetize an ag trade. I get that distiller/bottlers are mostly in the bullshit business, and BT plays the game better than anybody. I don't have a problem with gimmicks; I deeply respect the way they work an angle. It's astounding how far bourbon has come. There are very few truly bad bourbons on the market anymore and despite the huge proliferation of manufactured scarcity the explosion of "high end" bourbons mostly manage to be both pretty good and distinct from one another. My issue is that the flagship products in the Weller line are in fact truly great legacy bourbons, and I think it does a disservice to their brand to lend it to such mediocre products. Even though the drinking public doesn't seem to care, CYPB, Single Barrel, and Daniel Weller should be better whiskey. It's really that simple.
  18. PSA- if you have an Alexa it will play WWOZ.
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