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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by softlynow

  1. Not really, since I didn't say philosophy is worthless in all endeavors. That position isn't viable, and would be against mountains of historical evidence. Until all that is and occurs in existence is known, philosophy has a place. Like proponents of the supernatural, I lack the tools to conclusively prove my hypothesis, and am left with forms of persuasion to fill knowledge gaps.
  2. Which means it either doesn't exist, or doesn't interact with this existence. Either way the supernatural is meaningless to our lives, and is pointless to talk about. If there exists a god of any religion which alleges their god does shit here on earth, it or the results of its actions/interactions with humans are natural, and can somehow be measured, observed or tested. God doesn't seem to walk among us anymore, and serious people don't think volcanoes erupt, floods happen, or the sun disappears for a couple minutes because of a deity, but I suppose there could be a misdiagnosed schizophrenic or two. Philosophy games are for those without tools to prove their hypothesis, and really only have persuasive power. That power is waning, it seems.
  3. Ain't no party like a Mueller indictment party, 'cause a Mueller indictment party don't stop.
  4. 52 actual infrastructure weeks a year, please.
  5. Unlike brisket, you seem to have wandered onto a ledge built for one. Either that or you may need to pre-order some Quetiapine.
  6. No. That's the world liberals built. You know, the mid-20th century liberal consensus.
  7. 1. they don't want to. 2. No, wouldn't matter if they did. 3. Yes, and they would dismiss the good info anyway. 4. Some are, but their real affliction is a outsized attachment to tribe or team. 5. Homo sapiens is replaced by a less emotionally restricted species.
  8. A million folks don’t get added to the dole, and a million fewer statistically probable criminals don’t get born every year and not one word of thanks to Justice Blackmon.
  9. Col. Wilkerson said as much on Maher’s show last Friday.
  10. The Ft. Bend Sheriff disagrees. A "Fuck Trump . . ." bumper sticker is an "utterance [which] tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace." While I agree with you, and not the Sheriff, if Pubs want those rules, they can live by 'em both when it does and does not suit them.
  11. You're wrong. Selfishness is an idea. And it's an idea easily weaponized by the greedy, power hungry and our enemies abroad. It's also quite easily distilled to soundbite and bumper-sticker form.
  12. Our immigration framework is immoral. We intermittently, unevenly and for childish reasons enforce laws that are at cross-purposes with our labor market needs. Unless you know the guy you're hiring is a dangerous felon of some sort, paying the market rate is more than acceptable.
  13. I had a conversation yesterday with a lawyer who believes it. I know well a judge who does. He may be an assclown, but he's found the lowest common denominator of humanity and has dragged most of the GOP down to it. I tend to think he's not smart enough to know this, and has "outside" help (in the vicinity of 55.7520° N, 37.6175° E).
  14. What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind.
  15. "I trust Gorsuch to act in a manner that favors individual rights." We don't have to "trust" anything. He's already got a track record there. He's in favor of only 2 individual rights. Guns and unlimited money in politics. He's the modern robber-baron's wet dream: distract the drooling masses with trinkets while the rich make off with anything not bolted down.
  16. Since people started carrying video cameras with them everywhere to capture the 10-15% of the human race who are completely worthless and ruin every goddamnthing for the rest of us. Not that much has changed. We're just getting to see the ugly shit our minority friends told us about but we didn't believe because it sounded absurd.
  17. War on Drugs still raging? Oh. See ya later 4th Amendment.
  18. Wouldn’t have mattered. Pubs believe as the Maoists believe: power comes from the barrel of a gun. They had final say on Garland, and fuck your traditions, civility and anything else that isn’t actual power. Dems who want the country we grew up in can fuck off. That country is gone.
  19. I think all surlyians should be behind bisexual women like:
  20. I wish some reporter would get an extended interview and ask Trump zero questions about reality, instead ask him to confirm or deny: the alien landing at Roswell we faked the moon landing 9/11 was inside job Qanon's hypothesis that the CIA (with an assist from Rafael Bienvenido Cruz) assasinated JFK that the HIV virus was developed by the CIA Chemtrails the reptoid hypothesis ancient astronauts the communist fluoridation plot Project Blue Beam the fortnightly addictive power of KFC chicken And so on. Draw out the crazy.
  21. Your expectations are way too high.
  22. Something something Tom Emanski something.
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