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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Rimbo

  1. I stand corrected. Uhm, no. Being skeptical just means what I said: The more you want something to be true, the more careful you have to be when you examine the facts, because human nature is to see what we want to see. Pretty much all of us want Trump convicted, thrown into jail, stripped of his properties, and of course, defeated yet again in November. But this leads us to believe he's guilty of things even when, by the strict letter of the law, he might not be; it makes it look like he's getting away with crimes when, strictly, he's not.
  2. Just because we want Trump to be prosecuted for crimes doesn't mean we're going to be credulous to every accusation and assume every fact against him is correct, and every exonerating bit is wrong. Y'all are doing that, and it sets you up for this mind-numbingly stupid NoThInG wIlL hApPeN! hE kEePs GeTtInG aWaY wItH iT! every time reality happens and you discover that, oh yes, there is more to the story than just the evidence you want to believe. TwiceHorn's a defense attorney. It's his job to spot the holes in a prosecution's case. And the more you want a claim to be true, the healthier it is to be skeptical of any evidence in favor of it.
  3. i would cast that motha', but instead I'm adding notes to my bucket list
  4. No, it's the idea that this is somehow different from any other case that's silly. Like Donald alone is getting special treatment for this. "Innocent until proven guilty" isn't just a witty catchphrase; it's a framework around which our legal system is built. Unless you're black. Unfortunate oversight that needs correction, that.
  5. The Threads NYT pitchbot account was getting frustrated this weekend that ACTUAL NYT headlines were outdoing it. https://www.threads.net/@threads_nyt_pitchbot/post/C5xJyMtOJhd/?xmt=AQGz99vWWzkSxHE_0jyER-iYbhz_tTJDYN-jINaNftJ1tg
  6. I can't fire them. I hired these guys for three days a week and they just started showing up every day. That was four years ago...
  7. We're on the verge of becoming Kathleen Turner Overdrive, but just for tonight, we are Barry Jive and his Uptown Five
  8. Rimbo

    Getting old sucks

    Surprisingly effective is getting exercise. I haven't been like I need to. I keep thinking about the other advantages and forgetting this.
  9. Rimbo

    Getting old sucks

    100% this. I ignored the "You're due for your shingles vaccine!" alert on MyChart... got actual shingles. Fuck that shit. In other news, my mid-life crisis (two-thirds-life crisis?), that I thought I'd more or less put to bed, turns out to have just been in hiding, waiting to pounce. And it pounced hard. It's my own fault, really, but I'm not in a good place mentally right now.
  10. All the best suggestions have been taken, so I humbly submit this.
  11. I like games where Tuve gets 2 HR on 7 pitches I like winning I like beating the Rangers but most of all, I like a good meme https://www.threads.net/@thirtyballparks/post/C5vcmqjrLyc/?xmt=AQGzE6fE3k4WZ6LonWfd5bcsJncImwYy9eNIfL42n-QKoQ
  12. I am. It's been cold and rainy all year so far. The joys of climate change!
  13. My wife pretty much feels this way. Although her timeline is more like "never." Me, I'm fine with it. I know how the filter works. The chlorine levels have been high enough over the past week to kill anything; even beyond that, DE filters everything down to about 3-5 µm. So a virus might survive, but e.g. amoebae are gone. Just dumped in 10 lbs of Na2CO3 to get the pH back up closer to 7 after all the chlorine tabs that've been in there. Only thing wrong with the water now... is it's just too damn cold. Like 68 degrees.
  14. I almost hate to say it, but I need to use less butter in the sauce next time. And maybe not bother adding broth and reducing. If I can get the green peppercorns, and do that fancy trick like Chef Rick did at the Amarillo Club where he burns off the sherry's alcohol, it might be perfect just like that.
  15. All right, my friends. Pull up a chair, grab a beer, and let me tell you the tale. The tale of the Great Algae War of 2024. I shared already the state of the pool from last month. Here it is again: ca. March 19th. Now, this is no ordinary mess. To give you some idea, not only was the pool completely full of algae -- we're talking long strands from the surface to the floor, here, but I scooped up a goddamned pinworm off the surface. Yeah, you know those fucking intestinal parasites? Yeah. One of those. It was dead. No idea where it came from. March 28th. I'm just about to go on vacation. One more glimpse. Ew. I dumped 10 pounds of shock in there and got the pump going. Also skimmed as much as I could off the surface. Went on vacation, came back home. April 2nd. Back home. OK, that's an improvement. We're sorta bluish green instead of deep forest green. Dumped 10 more pounds of shock in. Tuesday. OK, now the color is correct, but you can't see deeper than the second step. I've used up about 12 chlorine tabs, too. But now it's clean enough that I can start running the vacuum; there's no huge deposits floating on the surface, and the green is gone. Pardon the mess. We're having work done on our house and our yard is being used to store shit that was in what used to be our garage. Yesterday. Here's the deep end of the pool. By this point I've disassembled and cleaned out the filter completely three times. You can see the bottom of the deep end, but it's still murky. And finally: Today. You can read the labeling on the Poolvergnugen all the way down at the bottom of the pool. All that's left is -- I'm going to dissassemble the filter one last time, dump in about five pounds of Sodium Carbonate (all that chlorine got my pH down to about 6.5), then put the Solar Blanket over it so it can start warming up. Now the solar blanket ain't clean, so I'll need to keep my eye on chlorine levels more or less daily over the next week. But other than that, we're done here!
  16. checking in to say: we probably shouldn't be bragging about this but here I am
  17. NY Steak in Peppercorn Sauce. I can make this myself now; no need to go to fancy restaurants. i might have made more sauce than i need but idgaf
  18. Both links are dead. Can't find it now. Sad eh? works for me
  19. https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/lawrence-trump-s-face-lies-to-you-without-saying-a-word-208838213527 Direct MSNBC link with a real video player
  20. oh, you! with your silly "evidence" and "facts" and this nonsense about "reality!" you're such a joker...
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