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Everything posted by miguelito

  1. Tied at 9, bitches! Bichette just killed Springer.
  2. Sunny: Nice show. Dusty: Not bad for a matinée. Ned: Yeah, but I forgot a line though Dusty: They’ll never pick it. Never notice.
  3. Proper fucked? (I'm not at a tv yet)
  4. WTF with the random reposts. That wasn't me. But I don't give a shit, either.
  5. I thought they would have searched his other properties by now.
  6. When my brother and I were almost old enough to be left alone, my parents would leave us alone while they went out. But they would stop at Blockbuster first and pick up a Bond movie for us to watch. So Bond was kind of my babysitter for a while. Also, lately I've read a few of the Ian Fleming books. Live and Let Die was weird in that there were elements in the book that appeared in different movies. The movie people seemed to pick and choose scenes from different books to make a movie. I don't care, though.
  7. This is just like the Jets and the Sharks, but in the water! That eerie whale call noise is just them whistling to each other.
  8. I just gave up with all the grasses and weeds in my beds, so I laid down some clear plastic yesterday to solarize the soil. After a few weeks/couple months I'll uncover them and mix in some compost to start over. I saw a couple of Texas Spiny Lizards hanging out in the weeds. It must have been a pretty healthy ecosystem, just not what I wanted.
  9. It's so great to see a packed house there. Those fans deserve it. So now,
  10. ^reminded me of this for some reason
  11. MITCH with another dinger. He might catch Judge if he keeps this pace up.
  12. Don't be ridiculous. The only way to stop a bad 4 year old with a gun is a good 4 year old with a gun. It's in the constitution. And probably the bible, too.
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