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Everything posted by miguelito

  1. Next week Gene chases a fly around the Cinnabon kitchen for an hour.
  2. Read this book and then come back and tell us how things end. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1982103558/?coliid=I1FD9Y4D4WMAOB&colid=IVEJ5BNDNINV&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it I just listened to the author on a podcast, and added the book to my wish list. Hopefully I get to it before the universe ends.
  3. I mean, he was running because he was scared, right? And he was scared because he knew what those people were there for. (Not that he was in danger, but he still knew something was up).
  4. They have the outtakes from his 1/7 speech. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/20/politics/trump-january-7-outtakes-message-supporters-house-hearing/index.html
  5. Sure, but when I lie naked and spread eagle on a city side walk, I get tazed and arrested.
  6. My mother in law is selling her house in Kent if any of you want to live in the burbs out there. You can see part of Mt. Rainier from the upstairs bedroom. edit to add: and I'm a little bummed out she's moving. We'd visit every other year if not more often. There's still other family up there, but it's not the same. She might end up in Boise, so I'll need to find the good hikes out there.
  7. Yep, we can't be below normal if normal is zero. Suck it, la nina!
  8. I guess I was just lucky. It was back on in less than an hour.
  9. Just lost power in Boerne. We didn't lose power once during the big freeze last year.
  10. Congrats! Are you registered at Sea World?
  11. Didn't Gus somehow find out that Lalo had visited that German lady/wife of the lab engineer? I can't remember, but if that's true, then Gus knew Lalo would eventually show up at the lab.
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