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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. So did we come out ahead on that INT->FUMBLE?
  2. uh oh they figured out we can't stop any passing plays whatsoever
  3. You're just repeating yourself. Show me some sources and I might change my mind. I don't buy into your hysterical, paranoid viewpoint on this issue.
  4. Quinn is not 100% i don't care what sark says
  5. I'm not sure I can just take your word for it as I've not seen your credentials and qualifications as a spokesperson for people with whom it's clear you disagree. I might change my mind if you can find some credible, objective evidence that the people who use the slogan (and I'm not talking about Likud) want to expel, subjugate, or kill Jews.
  6. Not being disingenuous here. We only want an end to the apartheid (and, of course, the genocide). A pretty low bar.
  7. "be free" means "be free" I'm not sure how much clearer they need to be. Talk to anyone who uses it.
  8. You actually believe that's the reality on the ground?
  9. It's complicated, like the concept of the square roots of negative numbers. You end up having to invent something similar to imaginary numbers to quantify aggy stupidity.
  10. UCF was also close to upsetting the sooners in norman. They are better than their record indicates.
  11. If this team limps into Arlington it will not be a quality win
  12. South Alabama, Central Florida, Southern Miss = MURDERER'S ROW
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