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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. Tyrone Swoopes ain't walking through that door...
  2. This^^^, embarrassing as hell.
  3. Ŵow, talk about an oldie. First heard Justin Wilson tell that one based on Cajuns in the early 60s. Can also be applied to: aggy, pollack, etc, etc ad hominem.
  4. It would be the ultimate troll job.
  5. From the wet frosty woods of Nastydouches... FIGHT!!!
  6. Here also. The kiss of death was letting the potatoes get cold,(and dry) and should have been scrapped right there and started over.
  7. Well, they damned sure any smarter(or wiser) than they were 6 years ago. $200,000,000 anyone?
  8. 49-Texas 17-Sand aggy Total passing yards 725.
  9. Never paid much attention to Holgo, or his past. All I know is that he seems like an immediately unlikable asshole. What's his story? Maybe then I can figure out why I want to punch his face in.
  10. Me either, I just know I'm going to wind up on the news with some alternate gender person screaming at me because I referred to them improperly.
  11. Absolutely the most concise descriptor of the whole hilarious stack of shit Perfectly put
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