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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. That targeting review was bullshit, which begs the question, is GT going to have anyone left healthy enough to make the trip home?
  2. Might be a good idea to skip the fucking excel spread sheet and the email crap. I was just about to start my list when I saw that shit. Ain't nobody got time for that shit bro.
  3. What a bullshit listing, no aggy? lol
  4. Behind real time due to watching DVR, but all I can say after that first play is... KING KING KING KING KING!!!!! lol, Of course I had to quit laughing before I could say anything.
  5. Man I'm so sorry for you...thoughts and prayers brother, thoughts and prayers.
  6. So...Action Jackson is the man huh? Say that name fast 3 times...especially after a few adult beverages.
  7. ...and all the money will be spent on an Estes rocket kit being launched from some aggy backyard.
  8. How about the Louseyanna Purchase? Got anything on dat?
  9. Yep, I can definitely see him coaching. At this point in his career I was hoping for a fairytale ending. Would like to have seen him as QB2(somewhere), have a struggling QB1 go down, and see Pistola come in and save the season, get his team into the playoffs and then win the Super Bowl, and then ride off into the sunset with Horns held high, shouting to his former teams "snack on deez nuts bitches!
  10. They are not worthy of a bag of dicks. How about a bag of inflamed, oozing, draining, infected bag of cysts?
  11. I don't know...back in the day I had lots of Pams cumming listening to Journey.
  12. I don't care for the artist but always felt "Stranglehold" would be great.
  13. Grapette...if they even make it anymore.
  14. Here... let me give you my multiple heart problems and my age and then go. I'll laugh when you get carried out on a stretcher you ignorant mother fucker.
  15. Fucking losers, I hope they don't win another game for 5 years. The curse of Pistola.
  16. Best wishes to pops for a full and speedy recovery.
  17. Damn, just like the old days I remember so fondly. Heck it didn't hurt me none.
  18. Pisgah Texas 75946 https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sca_esv=560734445&sxsrf=AB5stBjO0VeBtbbCc275O44BscecUG3ZBQ:1693252630715&q=Pisgah&ludocid=10304112568873139890&ibp=gwp;0,7&lsig=AB86z5W7UM3jWSlVaXrzBOFrDTcE&kgs=150a4e70052aa863&shndl=-1&shem=lbsc,lsp&source=sh/x/kp/local/m1/2 Can't get the damned thing to embed but basically temps and dry conditions are at this exact spot. For a comparative reference, it was 106° in the shade of course at 11:50am yesterday and 109° at 1pm.
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