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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. For 6 minute spurts, he she’s still one of the best in the game.
  2. Right as I say that! Harry Kane, he’s one of our own!!!
  3. Controlling the action and getting opportunities, but nothing to show for it.
  4. Who can figure this one out?
  5. that was a weird autocorrect. No idea where that came from
  6. Exactly. I was praying for one.
  7. Or “not available”. Could have been an all time great.
  8. W’s have won 28 straight western conference playoffs series (I heard, didn’t research confirmation). If the LaKers can grab game 2, that streak will be in serious jeopardy. I have a sinking feeling the Warriors bounce back big tonight.
  9. Until this past season, we had never. But played a HBCU as a gesture of our wokeness.
  10. He’s just stupid enough to think he could get away with it.
  11. It was glorious being the beneficiary of a Kimbrel meltdown, as opposed to being the victim.
  12. The slo-mo reactionwas great. And then the fire suppression technique was top notch.
  13. Well, truth be told, I got hemorrhoids from chemo induced constipation that caused such severe constipation that internal roids bled and I was hospitalized for severe anemia. And now I have to take Miralax daily to keep the pipes moving. So yeah, my shit's fucked up, literally.
  14. They are just trying to demonstrate to their viewers why they HAD to let him go. They are in a real ratings pickle. Which is a damn shame.
  15. Just find the right doc, and do whatever they tell you to do. In the lottery of cancers, prostrate is the one you want. If they caught it early, which is likely, you'll have a bumpy road but you'll get through it. One day at a time.
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