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Everything posted by HiggyBaby

  1. SIAP. Why are some smart people still promoting hydroxycloroquine? https://www.newsweek.com/key-defeating-covid-19-already-exists-we-need-start-using-it-opinion-1519535
  2. This. Airplanes will still fly and boats will still sail. Csb alert: Reminds of me of when I worked in the IT dept of my company back in the 2000s, pre-ransomware. All of a sudden our mail inboxes were getting bombarded with all sorts of shit. Our senior network guy ran out into the hallway and was shouting to everyone don’t open anything. Turns out one of our programmers did indeed click a naughty email link which in turn spread some damage. She had to make the rounds and apologize to everyone when it was cleaned up. After she left the company a couple years later, a few weeks after that federal agents showed up doing a background check on her. Turns out her new job required some sort of government clearance. Not sure she ever got it. /csb
  3. Ok so the presence of the new Psych movie has me in.
  4. Only effective way I’ve found to treat Dallisgrass is just wait for a good rain and pull it up by the roots. Hate that stuff.
  5. I spent a few years as a yute up in DC back when they were actually good (the late 80s Gibbs era). Part of what made the fan experience so great was the seats at the old RFK swaying back and forth while Hail to the Redskins thundered throughout the stands. I don’t disagree the name should go, but so far I like the Warriors idea the best. I’m just hoping that whatever happens the associated traditions don’t die. It’s a special thing.
  6. Whelp, after a thorough anti-fungal soaking, much improved. Thanks cactus.
  7. The willed body thing? Offered several places . https://lsom.uthscsa.edu/dcsa/body-donation-program/ https://med.uth.edu/nba/department-core-staff/willed-body-program/
  8. Sadly, not the Onion https://www.dallasnews.com/business/real-estate/2020/06/29/master-bedroom-is-joining-aunt-jemima-as-a-thing-of-the-past/
  9. Well then I guess the credit goes to whatever it was I found at Home Depot.
  10. I will say LA Woman is a great cruising song. At least according to the weird naked Indian.
  11. I cut one down last summer and drowned the stump with some brush killer I got from Home Depot. It hasn’t come back. Also, I rolled a 200lb landscaping rock over it that was nearby. That may or may not have contributed to its demise.
  12. Oct 2019: hey Jim, the door pull in that stall just snapped. Can you replace it and maybe make it a little more sturdy? Maybe it’ll last longer. June 2020: OMG #racism
  13. So now there’s this outta NASCAR. https://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/29345568/nascar-says-noose-found-bubba-wallace-garage-talladega Thanks to Jussie Smollett, who knows what to believe.
  14. I was at that Dallas U2 show. It was awesome. The version of Elevation you are looking for that they walked in with is the Influx remix. Blurb of which was also in the Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider flick at the time.
  15. I heard Frank Erwin once took in a showing of Song of the South and enjoyed it. All in favor of renaming FEC to Kumba Yah Hall, say aye.
  16. I’m not a musician but thanks to threads like this and Rick Beato I might try it out. Anyways, here’s Wonderwall’s drums
  17. I’m convinced that if they did a dozen takes of that song in the studio to get it right, Tony Thompson went through a dozen drums sets because he hit them so hard.
  18. Re: heat of the moment. Always hated this song because of the over drumming, if there is such thing.
  19. Re: She’s a Beauty There are lists of best songs from the 80s, and there are lists of songs that take you right back to a time and place in the 80s. This for me is squarely in the latter. So is this one
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