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Everything posted by used2b

  1. My dad has never voted for a D in his life but he supported Hillary in 2016. I was shocked and pleased. He and my mom have gotten more liberal as they have gotten older probably because they moved out of our conservative hometown to a more liberal place. My sisters are both faith-based but the granola kind of Christians. Probably pro-life but it doesn't drive their votes. They are strongly pro-gun control. Needless to say my family all despises Trump and are disgusted by the current Republicans. I am truly proud of my family's reasonable and reality-based political views. I know I am very lucky. I am to the left of all of them but not too much. My exhusband and his family (with whom I get along pretty well because we put the kids first) are very, very conservative in all ways and think they truly think they will go to hell for ever voting for a D because of abortion. Some of them hate Trump but will stick with him because abortion. Others are full MAGA. My kids get exposed to all of this. Politics is a big deal on both sides of the family.
  2. I need some information please. We were booked to fly on Frontier (I know I know) and the flight out last week got canceled so we were rebooked on American. I parked in the Main Terminal garage. We fly back into the South Terminal on Frontier now, which I didn't realize at the time. So are there shuttles to the Main Terminal/Garage from the South Terminal? It will just be me and my 3 kids and I like to know exactly what to do ahead of time. What a pain in the ass. On another note I fly without kids on Delta later this week so looking forward to that lounge.
  3. I cannot stop laughing. We live in hell.
  4. I haven't cried in a long time but this did it. Out of nowhere too. Tiger is the same age as me so this hits close to home. But seriously, I remember 1997 and watching in my apt on West Campus. And after all he has been through and his flaws and humanity and injuries and really he just wanted to win for his family again today and he did. Jesus what an amazing accomplishment.
  5. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/03/mueller-report/585631/
  6. He is amazing so far. We will see. I started this thread and don't even remember doing so. Funny the first two photos are the ticket that people I talk to seem the most enthusiastic about. But then there is little bro Pete...
  7. Nothing matters. Also the new acting AG can spill the investigation details to Trump now.
  8. I hope Beto takes a few months off and gets lots of family time. He worked his ass off.
  9. Please link me to the most up to date senate numbers. Right now I am seeing everything from 10% reporting to 50% reporting.
  10. https://apps.wilco.org/elections/results/default.aspx MJ is up!
  11. Where are you getting the county results? Texas SOS website is slow.
  12. I wonder if MJ can pull it off over Carter.
  13. I hate that Gillum and Abrams are going to lose. Fucking racism and corruption.
  14. 2 years ago I was at a big happy neighborhood party that was celebratory until about 8 PM and then it turned stunned and shocked. This year it's just me and my dog and the TV. Election night PTSD.
  15. I wasn't going to start drinking until 7 but not sure I can wait.
  16. I know plenty of R-affiliated voters who are not voting that way this year. Also, if only 53% of the Texas early voters had R affiliation that low compared to the statewide affiliation.
  17. Ditto. Could not bring myself to even vote for the unopposed Rs.
  18. used2b


    I don't either but it's probably why he delivers it the way he does.
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