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Everything posted by deter

  1. POOR Falls county. Nobody gives a crap.
  2. I just like the way she always stands with her feet wide apart.
  3. or the la tee da blue mountain stuff from OAKLAND???
  4. deter

    Getting old sucks

    Correct sir. Yoga or stretching is a plus. Had the lumbar laminectomy 3 months ago. Incision is still not healed. Rehab is all muscle massage and stretching. Do it while you are young.
  5. Highlight of the day for all of the retired folks sitting around looking at each other.
  6. Back issues? Out indefinitely.
  7. Many of the 84% that he has missed were missed BADLY.
  8. At this point, what difference does it make?
  9. ESPN college game this Saturday...
  10. Let Tarpley be a judge, good at making up numbers.
  11. Give him the Medal of Honor and name the ship something else.
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