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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. If our women hadn't blocked any better today than our OL did against Suh, we'd have been in a major dogfight.
  2. "Well, Coach, are you saying the Lady Vols were your best hope?"
  3. We should go get Olivia Babcock and ramp up Corn's anxiety a few kernels.
  4. Just rewatched that second set. It's as if a switch got flipped at the double "horns down" moment. From 10-7 Corn, an 18-4 Texas run put an end to that foolishness. The whole third set was really just the start of the coronation.
  5. Cornheads I'm seeing on social media are saying, "Well, we got farther than we should have with a bunch of freshmen and no seniors. We'll win more titles." They seem to not grasp that Texas lost the national player of the year and brought in their own freshmen and still proceeded to spank that Big Red booty all the way back to the barn.
  6. Cook could have brought in his own veterans to help the freshmen...but turns out players in the portal don't want to be paid in corn.
  7. The Little 10 really showed out in Tampa this week. Hope they and Wiscy recall where they left their shine boxes.
  8. Do you even Night Hawk, bro? https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2001-01-26/80300/
  9. You know, there are some obvious parallels between Anna Smrek and Purdue basketball center Zach Edey. Both are dominant, but their main edge of course is being so much bigger than everyone else on the court. Players like that surprisingly win few NCAA titles, in part because their teammates rely on them too much, and elite opponents often can scheme around their weaknesses. Unrelated, but what are they putting in the water in eastern Ontario? Both these skyscrapers are from the Toronto area.
  10. Pretty sure we primarily have Tim Beck to thank for that one. And several others.
  11. Buncha kids in here. Get off my menu! http://yesterant.com/magic-time-machine-in-austin-closed/
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