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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. I know the focus has been on the Mayorkas shit show, but can we discuss the Israel bill for a moment? The entire purpose of bringing the bill to a vote was to try and trap vulnerable Democrats. But because of how it was brought to the floor it needed 2/3 vote to pass, thus giving endangered Democrats the ability to vote "Yes" without repercussion. Just incredible stuff.
  2. Poor woman is trying so hard but no one has the heart to tell her that her path to becoming Trump's VP lies on a treadmill, not behind a lectern.
  3. Old fuck vs old fuck that tried to overthrow our democracy. You guys are running possibly the only man on the planet who could lose to Biden. This is your Hillary 2016 moment, and every Biden gaffe for the next four years will be your team's fault for refusing to provide sane Americans with a logical alternative.
  4. Getting baptized at an anti-immigration rally might be the perfect metaphor for the current state of Christianity in the United States.
  5. Correct. Here on surly, we save those thoughts for his wife.
  6. With the backing and popularity that he started with, Desantis would have already locked up the nomination (and likely the presidency) if he came out of the gate attacking Trump. (To be fair, I don't think this is a realistic scenario as Ron is a giant coward.)
  7. It's fun that basically all of the Longhorns' elite draft prospects play positions of need for the Texans. Would be stoked if we ended up with either of the DTs, either of the WRs, Brooks, or Sanders... and all of them could conceivably be early targets given our needs.
  8. This whole thing is yet another reminder of the double standard in politics. The Democrats attempt to do something against the norm: "Will they open Pandora's Box? Have they thought about how this could end up hurting them down the road?" Republicans attempt to impeach a Cabinet member for the first time in 150 years: "Yes, of course they are doing this." Not a single mention of the new standard this would/could create.
  9. this will definitely advance the cause
  10. I look forward to leftists on twitter ignoring this one, too.
  11. While your point is absolutely true, it actually isn't just an American issue. Will be a fascinating dynamic to watch over the next few years.
  12. I'm sure going to war against Taylor Swift will help the issue.
  13. And anytime they try to claim that they don't care about famous people in their corner, just remember that they made this doofus the biggest celebrity on the planet for 72 hours before he revealed that he wasn't a Republican.
  14. For decades, the leaders of the GOP were the dorky, debate obsessed weirdos from college that reminded the teacher when she forgot to assign homework… and then within 2 years they were completely overrun by trailer park lunatics. It would be hilarious if I wasn’t so worried for the country.
  15. Five in the top 50, not too shabby.
  16. Look, to each his own, but if that is the image you are projecting then your stage name can't fucking be "Tom MacDonald." Sorry, I don't make the rules.
  17. Imagining the average Aggie fan cheering for Quanell X Farrakhan Jr. fills my heart with unimaginable glee.
  18. This dude’s coach is David Hicks’ father. The slam dunkiest of slam dunks.
  19. Yep. We have decent insight as to what Sark looks for in an assistant coach. Basically every hire to date has made logical sense to us message board hooligans, and there has been very little "I'm smarter than everyone else" displayed in his selections. There was obviously something here that made Sark break the mold, and it will be fascinating to watch it play out.
  20. I’ll bet my mortgage that Dean “I’m a Democrat, I promise” Phillips will make a similar statement shortly.
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