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Everything posted by berlinerbaer

  1. I see no need to change the rankings from week 2 to week 3. Next week will be fun. Furd plays in Eugene, Washington hosts the Herm, and bottom feeders Zona and OSU have their pillow fight.
  2. Q: What do you call someone of European heritage from a Spanish speaking country who no longer speaks Spanish? A: A white dude.
  3. You fuckers took Tre from us. Y'all better keep feeding him the ball.
  4. I'm happy to see that Tedford has landed back on his feet and is turning a program around. It's reminiscent of Cal back in 2002 - 2004. As far as Chip and UCLA goes, I don't get it.
  5. This has been my major bitch about living here. There are asshole drivers in California but everyone seems to at least know which lane they should be in. That is not the case here. I see three main causes for Houston road insanity. 1) Industry. The country's 2nd largest port and all the industry in town needs to be connected with the rest of the state and country somehow. Enter the fleet of semis on the city's highways and the armada of smaller trucks carrying God-knows-what with hardly a bungee cord to strap it all down. 2) Decentralization. People don't just have to get downtown. They're also heading to the Med center, the Energy Corridor, the Galeria, or the Port. I guess it's good that everyone isn't converging onto only one location in the morning, but that probably means that many people have to literally drive all the way across town to get to work. I haven't decided if the feeder roads make things better or worse compared to areas that don't have them. 3) People. A good explanation for the driving behavior in the GH area doesn't exist. I think a significant number of new/recent drivers could be an explanation. Lots of people who move here are forced to drive a lot more than they used to, and some may have never driven before. There are also a number of absolute beaters on the roads out here, unsurprisingly being driven at 50 mph. I think Texas cities would benefit from a vehicle replacement incentive program. AirCheck Texas only gives money in exchange for vehicles less than 5 years old that fail smog checks. Those cars aren't the problem.
  6. Week 2 rankings. The Pac 12 South still gargles everyone's balls. 1) Washington - Can't fault them much for losing to Auburn. 2) Stanford - A case could be made that they're #1 3) Oregon - Winning the beauty contests against weak teams. 4) Colorado - Best road win of the season for the conference so far 5) USC - True frosh QB needs to find his feet, then they'll move up 6) ASU - How much longer will Herm be underestimated? 7) WSU - No glaring deficiencies, but we'll see when conference play starts 8 ) Cal - Decent road win and making strides on offense 9) Utah - Workmanlike victories over middling opponents 10) UCLA - His players don't fit Chip's system, so be patient 11) OSU - They seem to have some fight in them compared to last year 12) Arizona - Rich Rod would probably be 2-0 right now...
  7. The Nebraska front 7 on D is confusing the fuck out of CU's line. That's like the 4th sack I've seen, and I'm not really paying attention.
  8. They don't seem to realize that supreme court justices can be impeached. Just sayin...
  9. Zona losing to BYU may not be a surprise to many of you on this board who know the aggy hasn't yet rubbed off of Sumlin, but it is to me. They made Tate look like a chump, which sucks because Cal has to travel to Provo next week...
  10. Nice to see realignment talk not going away.
  11. I gave $250 last week in my first ever political donation. 39.986
  12. Maybe Gillum on the ballot will help push Bill Nelson across the finish line. God, I wish there was a decent Dem candidate running for governor to pair with Beto here in Texas.
  13. SC has upped its academic game considerably over the last 2+ decades. Aside from the social upper crust, the rest of the student body and younger alumni resemble those at any one of the UC's more than ever before. It's the older alumni who have worked hard over the years to maintain the school's reputation of entitlement and relaxed standards. On a more positive note for them, it is also these people who will ultimately be responsible for their supposed return to national prominence following the Bush fallout and the Kiffin/Sark debacles. Priorities.
  14. Oregon is the easiest recruiting sell in the Pac 12, except maybe SC. No surprise at all that the Ducks are doing well. As for the team, Justin Herbert is the best QB in the conference, aside from possibly... Kahlil Tate is the real deal. If Sumlin can field a decent defense then Zona will be scary good and recruiting will work itself out. Cal has only one WR commit so far. That's not good for a position of need, but it's early. OTOH, the team seems to be loading up on TEs after going several years without any. I'm not buying the CU hype, yet. It is odd that Stanford has apparently become the team with the one phenom player (McCaffery then, now Love) followed by everyone else. They used to have several standouts at a time.
  15. Nice. Maybe the only good thing about Fox News is their polling. 'A' rating from 538.
  16. The list of autoimmune diseases and disorders is long and the list of suspects is even longer and, yes, some of those are believed to be started by an initial trigger, such as a viral infection and the inflammatory response. This, to me, makes it even more important to get vaccinated. The 6 hour 100 degree fever a one year-old gets following a vaccine is nothing compared to the inflammation of fighting a full-blown illness for a week that could have easily been prevented. Not only that, but the breadth of the disease strongly suggests it may actually be several distinct conditions, each with its own unique set of genetic causes and environmental triggers as well.
  17. So when do we start pumping sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere? Keep the sunblock handy.
  18. Fivethirtyeight with an editors' roundtable on what constitutes a swing district this cycle. They see a growing battleground that isn't limited to suburban districts, but also includes Trumpy Midwestern districts. They expect Obama --> Trump voters in states like WI, OH, and PA to kill the GOP, while they seem less bullish on suburban districts outside the Midwest flipping.
  19. Recently arrived older Asian immigrants vote Republican because they are socially conservative and, nowadays, well-off financially. I find this to be the case with the Chinese around Houston, who could say things that would make my small town Nebraska relatives blush. Immigrants who have been here longer are more likely to have dealt with some form of bullshit, whether it's racism, immigration policy, or something else. These people get bluer as time goes on and, make no mistake, if they happen to have children of voting age, those kids are solid D. A good example are the Vietnamese-Americans, who used to be staunch Republicans but I recall a recent poll showing them to be something like 55-45 Dem now. Here in my corner of Sugar Land, the South Asians are in love with our Dem House candidate, who is one of them (and a damn fine candidate, TBH). The folks from the Indian subcontinent will go to bat for their guy/gal, regardless of party, more often than many of the other folks.
  20. Mbappe has spent much of the tournament getting legitimately fouled because it's been the only way defenses have been able to slow him down. For now, he can get away with diving since the refs are expecting contact. The refs will adjust, hopefully in time for the final.
  21. I was going to call you insane before realizing you're talking State Leg here. I expect a couple of flips in the State House here in the greater Houston area and I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple more. The State Senate is another story. Too gerrymandered. I want Pelosi out for the same reason I want all of the Dem leadership in the House out. They're all too fucking old. The short term health of the party depends on the young reps getting some experience calling the shots. It's not because I perceive her to be crazy or any more partisan than the other side.
  22. Naw. It was Russia's #7 to blame. The keeper thought he was going to clear the ball away.
  23. Her voting record won't matter. Crowley lost because of his well-known ties to special interests and the Party leadership. If his voting record did him in, it was because of being too cozy with the banks and wall street. As long as AOC is perceived as being a boat rocker to a certain extent, she can represent NY-14 for as long as she likes. Voters won't give a shit if her bills fail to make it out of committee as long as she is seen as being responsive to her constituents. Her fight will be in the press and out on social media as much as it will be within Congress, especially while her kind are still a significant minority in DC. As far as stumping goes, she can help raise money for 2020 nominees without having to look over her shoulder as long as she's also holding town halls back in Queens. Could she become corrupted by the NYC Democratic machine? I guess so, but then so would anybody. I'd be more worried about all this political insanity subsiding someday, and her losing to a well-funded, well-connected moderate primary challenger rather than to another bomb thrower.
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